Surprise Attack

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After flying for a couple hours, we can finally make out a faint light in the distance.

"There it is, everyone," I say, excited. "We're approaching the fleet."

Everyone starts cheering, but Dylan is still looking at the light, looking half confused, half afraid.

"Um, guys?" he starts. "That's not the fleet. That is a very fast projectile. I'd be surprised if we could dodge it."

I look out at the object, and can clearly see that he's right. But not only is it fast, but it's big.

"Vortex, can you..." I ask quickly.

"I'll try," he responds.

He holds up his empty hand, and the missile slows down to a stop. He then throws it back, and it explodes not far from the ship. We see debris fly out in all directions.

"Was someone following us?!" Elizabeth asks, the same level of attitude as always.

"Apparently," I mutter. "That means that the fleet is closer than we expected."

Then, as if on cue, we look out the back window to see the fleet only a couple kilometers away. I run straight to the cockpit, and we fly straight towards it. When we're about 5 hectometers away, we stop the ship, put on some space suits, and jump out of the ship. It's time to execute the plan.

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