The Plan

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"So," Elizabeth questions, "what's the plan?"

"We need to break onto the enemy's ship to attack, but we need to do it quietly," I explain. "They can't know we're there until we attack."

"Ok," Revelin adds, "but what if they catch us?"

"I'll get you out," I answer. "I can teleport."

"How are we going to get in quietly?" Morrow questions. "What if they see us?"

"That's what our powers are for. Kill anyone or anything that sees you."

"What are our roles than?" Bas asks.

"That's the next topic. Vortex will provide a shield if they attack us after we capture the ship. Bullseye will kill anything that sees us, because the body will never be found. Viper, do you have an antidote for your poison?"

"Yeah," he responds. "Why?"

"If they threaten us, threaten the captain. If they retract the threat, administer the antidote. Reaper will keep them running. If they get past him, Phantom will keep them away from the captain. I'll infiltrate the main deck."

"What about me?" Morrow asks.

"You're gonna break us in."

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