notes ii

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:::::♥ notes ♥:::::

hello everyone! here's the second batch of notes. enjoy, loves!


You are such an amazing and talented writer! I love everything about your books and you are so incredibly nice! You take the time to answer questions of your readers and you get to know them! You are one of the most kind authors I've met through wattpad!
I genuinely am praying that your book comes to stores! I would buy it in a heart beat just so I could have it and share it with friends! I've been telling different people about your book KITEP as well as Dylan and a Gentleman's Guide to Hooking Up. You are so talented and kind! As a stranger from the Internet can I just tell you that I love you? You are one of the first people I actually got to interact with on wattpad and I had a great experience just talking with you that it's opened me out of my shy shell on wattpad and you've really helped me enjoy it! So thank you so much! You are an amazing person with a wonderful way with words!
P.S. I believe I forgot to tell you how grateful and honored I am that you dedicated a chapter to me, so I'll say it now; thank you so much! That means a lot to me that one of my favorite authors dedicated a chapter :) you made my day!



JUST A NOTE TO: slipknotmaggot7
The world has many faults but you are not one. Your beautiful in your own way and Every mistake you think you have, that just shows your real beauty. Don't let people bring you down becuase you'll always have that one person to be by your side and let you talk to. Keep your head up and show them how strong you are.



JUST A NOTE TO: heytherelondon
Hey London!
Long time no talk! I hope you're having an amazing time writing your little heart out and doing whatever it is you are doing. I haven't had time to even check in on Wattpad because of applications and work and such but I hope you're doing great! You always made my day with your notes and I loved how we had great conversations about whatever was on our minds. I know you're making the world brighter when you talk to other people and show them your amazing personality! Hope the weather is nice and that you check out some cool movie for me.



JUST A NOTE TO: MayTijssen
May, I love you! You are one of my favorite authors in Wattpad and you know it! Your writing is simply perfect, the way you create stories is beautiful, your characters are so real that I love them almost as much as I love you (Henry ♥), so for all of that and even more reasons that would take too long, I repeat: I love you. God bless you, he wants you here for your talent on writing and for that I'll always be thankfull, you are a precious miracle and have a special place in my heart.



JUST A NOTE TO: malikxx1993
I don't know where to start to thank you for being in my life.. you have literally been a blessing .... You were one of the first friends I made on wattpad and my first best friend. I just want to say that you are an amazing person and an incredibly talented one at that. I hope that every one of your hopes are fulfilled and I love you



i literally have fallen in love with every single one of your stories [includes all of the ones back from mendlering, those are still my favorites too] and if you ever got published, i'd literally buy all your books! haha and you're somewhat of a big inspiration to me here on Wattpad because i've only recently started out with my works. you're crazy talented and i love your writing style. there's still tons i want to say (like how i get so excited when you update, and how i always hope you're doing well) so i just wish you luck in the future and many more good things in your life to come x



JUST A NOTE TO: leigh_
My appreciation for you and your work can't be summed up in a mere note, but I'm going to try and do it anyway!You're awesome. You're fabulous. You're all the words related to great that I'm too lazy to list because, let me tell you, that'd be a really long list. You're a really inspiring figure in my life despite the fact that I've never met you face-to-face; you've come so far on your writing path, it's one of the most motivational things for me to see, and it's helped to make me more confident in my own writing. I hope you continue to pursue your writing dreams because I don't know what this world would do without you!



thank you to all who have sent notes in. stay tuned for the next batch of notes. and in case you've missed the announcement, is now available as an option to submit your notes in. the link is in our bio!

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