notes x

400 47 14

:::::♥ notes ♥:::::

didn't exactly have the best day, and if you had the same day as me, i'm sorry and i hope this brightens your day at least a little.


JUST A NOTE TO: ama_1305
You're a great friend to me. You've always been there. Your art is awesome, so never say it isn't! Your poetry is amazing as well.
Keep doing what you love!



JUST A NOTE TO: starhavens
I'm glad I stumbled across you on wattpad. You've made me laugh when I felt like I never would smile again. Thank you!



JUST A NOTE TO: chocolate_chips19
I'm glad I found you on wattpad. We've become really good friends. You've always been there. Thank you!



JUST A NOTE TO: pointlesstequila
I'm glad I came across your poetry on wattpad. It's so beautiful. Keep writing!



JUST A NOTE TO: sadistics
Tylerrrrrr, you are so amazing and I love your writing so much. Your short story is so touching and I think you hit the subject perfectly, you are such an awesome, amazing and talented friend and I wish you nothing but the best in love. Keep writing because you are pretty damn good at it. Love you lots xx
*edited [refer below]



JUST A NOTE TO: TheDeadMoonChild
I love you as much as Celeana loves Sam. I love you as much as Skulduggery loves his Bentley and as much as Valduggery isn't real.



JUST A NOTE TO: CrayonChomper
There were many readers here who wrote these little notes for the most valued writer of theirs, I want to do something different and write this note to a very special girl. You don't know anything about, and I don't know anything about you. Well, except the fact that your name is Krista. All I am aware is your writing and your characters. I haven't tried to find anything either, because that's me. But I have noted one point; you are no longer in wattpad. I don't know why, and I even don't know whether you will read this message for you. But I want to take this chance to say that your writing is awesome, if you continue writing you could even go to the status of being my favorite writer here. I am way too honest so this is all true. I want you to try and finish your works, not because I'm selfish and I want to laugh every time I feel bad, but because I feel like you deserve to finish your work and get an opportunity to reach goals through them. Your writing deserves it better than many other people. Your characters have the ability to make people laugh, but it's actually you who make us laugh. Don't let it go into waste. You might have some other better things to do in life, but this is also a part of your life. Do something about it.



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*edited to remove mentions of book titles and references to books

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