notes xiv

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:::::♥ notes ♥:::::

i'd just like to mention that we receive plenty of notes on a daily basis, so it may take a while for your note(s) to get published. but that said, i'm still human, so sometimes i may miss some notes out. if your note still hasn't been published after 5 weeks, feel free to ask about it.

currently, there are four full chapters of notes sitting in my draft. so if your note is time-sensitive, please don't send it in unless necessary. but if you have to somehow submit it, then just mention that it's urgent. you'd be given priority. though if you keep on using that excuse, you'd be ignored.

okay, serious shit over. enjoy!


JUST A NOTE TO: Lonesome_Penguin
Your book is really good, it's really poetic and just beautiful. The metaphors are like really unique. And you are a wonderful person. Good luck!



JUST A NOTE TO: do27cs
You are amazing! You bring up the new writers with your kind words of encouragement and your books are wonderful as well, good luck!



JUST A NOTE TO: RidingLife
You are an amazing author! Your books always makes me laugh and smile like crazy! I am so glad that I stumbled across your profile! I got to read an amazing story by such an amazing author such as yourself! Keep writing! (Only if you want to though!)
Have a nice day! :)



JUST A NOTE TO: idkskylr
your awesome! you've helped so many!! including myself



JUST A NOTE TO: StressRepublic
You are one of the best authors I've ever seen on and one day, I know I'll see your books all over the stores, all over the world. Your creativity never runs out! It is not like a fountain, but rather like an iceberg, you can see plenty on the top, but if you go deeper, there will be an endless, never ending resource that goes on and on into the dark of the ocean! You are amazing, remember that! *good luck with the writing*



JUST A NOTE TO: Misspinkdragon101
I may not be the most important person in your life right now, but I hope when you see my name, you will smile and say "That's my friend"



JUST A NOTE TO: femalealchemist
Omg alchemist I love you so much!! Ever since that day we messaged each other hi, we immediately hit off! Your kind, funny, smart, extremely talented and an overall great person! You express support for all my work, your so forgiving and sweet, I feel lucky to have you in my life! Love you <3



have a lovely day <3

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