Chapter 3: Freak Show

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Daryl. It was an odd name but she knew she had heard it before. And those eyes, that awfully familiar shade of blue. She swore that she had once stared into them and was momentarily lost in the sea of blue. She knew she had experienced that sea of blue quickly turn into a storm.



She gasped and put her hand to her mouth which made Daryl perk up and frantically look around with his crossbow aimed.

"Daryl," she whispered.

"What t'hell is wrong with you lady?" he whispered angrily and glared at her.

"Daryl Dixon."

His eyes widened and his look of disbelief was quickly masked by anger as he quickly turned hostile. He brang his knife out of his belt, grabbed the collar of her jacket and slammed her hard against a tree and immediately pushed the knife down hard across her neck. She struggled for breath and kicked but he dragged her further up the tree so her feet didn't reach the ground.

"Who the hell are you? How the hell do you know my name?" he shouted furiously.

She yelped as he pressed the knife harder against her neck, making her splutter.


"I - I," she stuttered but yelped as Daryl lifted her up and slammed her harder against the sharp bark of the tree again.

"You what?!"

"I went to high school with you!" she shouted and glared at him.

He stared at her in awe then he stiffened when he felt the cool metal of her gun against his head. She narrowed her eyes at him and put her finger on the trigger. He grunted then roughly let go of her jacket and she slid down the tree and landed heavily with a thump.

"Don't ever touch me again," she scowled, then stood up tall and shifted her jacket and shirt.

"Asshole," she muttered quietly under her breath.

He picked up his crossbow that he hastily discarded previously and swiped off the dead leaves and twigs. He slung it across his shoulder, then crossed his arms and started impatiently tapping his foot, waiting for her to elaborate her sudden accusation.

"I lived down the road from you. I still remember the night yer house burnt down and your mama.."

The mentioning of the tragic accident that took his mother's life made Daryl's gaze drift down to the floor as he remembered the day he came home to find the flames licking up the last of his broken down house until it was nothing but ashes.

"You were the Dixon boys. You and Merle."

His heart sank further into the pit of his stomach at the thought of Merle, how he's never going to come back. Despite all he put him through, which he insisted was making him more of a man, he still missed him and the fact that he had to hack at his face still haunted him. 

"You ain't old man Carter's daughter, are ya? The girl who was in that....accident?" he asked hesitantly as he began to remember her more and more after each word he spoke.



The unfortunate yet awfully familiar bell rang loudly in her ears. People pushed past her, chatting and laughing loudly. They were happy, something she had long forgotten what felt like. She sighed and prayed that the day would be easy to get through.

The Walking Dead - Drained and Insane ([Daryl Dixon]Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now