Chapter 25: Bad Moon Rising

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Before you start reading, I would just like to apologise for the lack of posting. I have been busy beyond belief and I'm being honest when I say I literally have not had any time to write, if I did I definitely would have. I hope you all stick with me and hear me out when I say how truly sorry I am for keeping you waiting for so long. I hope you enjoy this short chapter anyway, it's all I had time for. xx

Life at the prison continued with no sign of the Governor. Michonne and Evangeline often went looking for him but would find no trace. With that in mind, Rick and the group were able to concentrate on making the prison a place worth living. With the help from the people from Woodbery, they made a number of improvements. The fields were turned into land for crops, the showers were started up, there were a number of water resources, a library, more living space and a daily routine that made life flow easily. Rick, Glenn, Maggie, Beth, Carol, Daryl, Evangeline, Michonne and Carl were all part of the 'committee' that was the higher power of the people. They made the rules and final decisions. Life became easier and the routine distracted them all from the horrors beyond the fences. Although, it didn’t mean anyone could get a good night’s sleep knowing the Governor was prowling in the night.



Evangeline wrenched the crow bar out of the rotting walkers forehead, letting it sink to the floor along with the others. When she wasn’t teaching the children, cooking, washing or doing any other duties she was at the fence killing walker after walker. She was told over and over again that she spent too much time doing it and needed to rest but she couldn’t relax for a second without hearing them growling and crawling at the fence. Most people were able to ignore them, but she couldn't get them out of her head. 

"Evangeline!" she heard a young voice call.

She turned and saw Charlotte running towards her.

"What's s'matter darlin?" Evangeline asked, wiping her forehead. She was wary of the way Charlotte was so oblivious to the rotting monsters growling at her ever movement. 

"Rick's called you for lunch."


"Hi Miss Carter," a chorus of young voices sang as she passed the children at the table.

"Hey kids, how are we today?"

"Good," they sang.

She collected her plate from one of the ladies by the barbeque, thanked her and sat at the table with the kids.

A young boy named Calum nudged her shoulder.

"Yes Calum?"

"What book are we reading today, Miss?"

"Well today we are going to read a book that I grew up with called Harry Potter."

The children 'oohed' and 'ahhed'.

"What's it about?" a young girl named Natalie asked.

“It’s about a boy called Harry Potter who doesn't have any parents and -"

"I don't have any parents," Calum mumbled and looked down at his hands.

Evangeline put an arm around his shoulders, "But, it didn't stop him from achieving the most remarkable things. He's actually a wizard."

"A wizard!" Natalie exclaimed.

Calum's eyes brightened and he perked his head up and swooshed his hand in the air, "Abracodabra!"

"So, who's excited?" Evangeline said with a smile.

"Me, me, me, me, me!" the voices yelled.

"Alrighty then, eat up and I'll see you in the classroom after your art lesson with Beth."

“How was it?” Daryl asked, shuffling next to her.

“We started Harry Potter,” Evangeline said, adjusting the pile of books she was holding, “The kids love it, just like I did when I first read it.”

“I never read about that hocus pocus shit, not that I could afford the books anyway,” Daryl grumbled.

“Neither could I, I stole my copies from the library and read them behind the dumpsters so the old man couldn’t find me.”

Daryl quietened and looked at his feet, kicking at the gravel.

“Look,” Evangeline said and pointed to the colourful chalk drawings on the prison walls.

“That’s cute.”

“I know but, look closer. They’re using bright colours, drawing pretty things, people with happy faces. The innocence and wonder is still there, the world ain’t crushed their imaginations.”

Daryl looked at the smiling faces carved onto the wall and the smiling animals and suns, names and scribbles. He stopped when he came across one stick figure in the far corner, its head tilted with fangs and blood smeared across its face and hands.

“This ain’t bunnies and shit,” Daryl remarked, pointed to the disfigured, disturbing figure.

Evangeline sighed, “That’s probably Daniel, watched his parents die in front of him. Hasn’t been the same since. But I’m trying to get him back, he’s not too far gone.”

Her expression faltered and sadness washed over features. Daryl slid his arm around her waist and brought her towards him, squeezing her lightly.

“Yer’ doin’ a good thing for them kids, ya hear?”

Evangeline nodded slightly, Daryl knew she still wasn’t convinced. He softly grabbed her chin with his fingers and directed her vision up to meet his.

“Okay?” he said.

She pursed her trembling lips, “They just don’t deserve any of it, no one does. But their childhood was taken from ‘em and it’s been filled with blood and horror. They deserve better than that, of all people.”

Daryl nodded in understanding, “I know darlin’, I know.”

He placed her head on his chest with his hand and used the other to bring her against him by the small of her back.

Evangeline’s books dropped to the floor when she heard a shrill, blood-curdling scream coming from the cell blocks.


Uh oh... looks like the people at the prison are going to have to deal with yet ANOTHER problem. Let me know your thoughts in the comments, I know it was a short chapter!

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