Chapter 18: Underestimating

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“No, No, No,” Evangeline mumbled to herself, “This can’t be happening!”

“Ange!” she heard Daryl’s voice boom from the prison.

Her heartbeat leaped to an unimaginable speed and she frantically looked around for anything she could use to clean up her mess. Her eyes met with a small bucket that contained water from a nearby stream. She lunged for the bucket, her hands trembling as she heard Daryl’s footsteps frantically running towards her.

“Shit,” she cursed as she fumbled with the bucket and started shaking uncontrollably. She could feel the heartbeat throbbing in her head and thumping through her veins.

“Ok,” she breathed to herself and splashed the water across the concrete.

“Ange!” she heard the familiar voice shout again.

She took a deep breathe in attempt to compose herself and sat back on her knees. Evangeline clenched her trembling hands and stood up slowly as Daryl came to a stop behind her.

“Why’d ya go runnin’ off like that?”

“I…ah…I um,” Evangeline stammered, “I just felt a little dizzy that’s all.”

Daryl frowned and tilted his head with an unconvinced grunt.

Evangeline smiled nervously and softly brushed past him, “I gotta go, I promised Rick I would clear out some of the groups on the fence.”

Daryl grabbed Evangeline’s wrist and Daryl’s chest felt like it was caving in when she spun around. Through her hair that shielded most of her face he could see her green eyes glossy with tears that leaked down her cheeks.

“I gotta go,” she whispered.

Daryl couldn’t find the words as he watched Evangeline walk away and disappear back into the prison and away from him. With a sigh he turned but noticed the puddle of water on the concrete where Evangeline was sitting. He shrugged and decided he would ask Evangeline about it later. He didn't want to over-think it and imagine the worst thing it could be. He settled on a few conclusions like she may have just spilled it or maybe noticed something in the water. Surely it couldn't be more than that.


“Hershel,” Evangeline called out, her voice cracking, “Hershel!”

She heard the clanking of Hershel’s crutches as he hobbled out from one of the cell blocks.

“Is everything alright dear?” he asked.

“Yeah it’s just that…I just have a bit of a problem,” she said and nervously placed a hand on her stomach.

Hershel’s eyes brightened as he understood what she was suggesting then frowned, looking very concerned. 

"I have something..." he began and turned around back into his cell. Evangeline waited patiently as she heard the rustling of plastic and rattling of pills. Hershel returned with a package in his hand and handed it to her.

"Just to be sure," he said.

Evangeline looked closer at the package and the room seemed to spin like she was a merry-go-round. This was all happening to fast for her to cope and she could not comprehend the fact that she was standing there with a little tiny tool that would determine whether or not there was a life growing inside her.

"Evangeline," Hershel assured and placed a hand on her shoulder. 

Evangeline took a shaky breathe in and said "Thankyou," with a slight nod. 

She shoved the small package in her back pocket and began to contemplate where she could go through with it discreetly and where no one could see her. If the group found out, especially after Lori, all hell would break loose. How would Daryl react? Would he be happy, accepting? Or furious and abandon her?

The thoughts whizzed around her head in a blur and she was only brought back to reality when she realised she was closing the door to the boiler room. Checking the room was secure and the door was locked firmly she made her way to the far corner of the room. Even with no one there she felt vulnerable and bare and she couldn't stand the familiar feeling of being alone with her thoughts. 

Evangeline sank down to the floor and took out the packet from her back pocket. She tried to read the instructions carefully but could barely concentrate as thoughts flooded her head and her heart felt like it was in her throat and all she could hear was its quickened beat. 

When she had got the general idea of it she started to open the packet, cursing when her trembling hands caused her to drop it several times. Once the package had been removed she held the small object in her hands and another wave of shock hit her when she realised what she was doing.

Maybe she was overreacting and she was only sick because of something she ate, or maybe she even had a stomach bug or was getting ill. She never even thought  that she would be using one of these things, the doctors said it was impossible so she never needed one. 

Evangeline closed her eyes and breathed in heavily, hoping for some kind of miracle....


Evangeline sat with her knees to her chest, clutching the test in front of her in her ghostly white hands. The minutes seemed to drone on for what felt like hours, but she knew the time was soon. At times she was convinced she would have to figure out what to do if it was true but would then strongly doubt it and persuade herself she was just being paranoid and overdramatic. 

She held her breathe as the result loomed into view and blinked back the tears that were blurring her vision. The result clicked into place and the room around her seemed to crumble to nothing. She tried to breathe but couldn't suck any air in, so she was left hyperventilating, but not being able to get any air like a fish out of water. Her ribs caved in, like soldiers falling one by one by one and her blood ran cold.

She clapped her hand over her mouth as a sob wracked through her body for she realised what she was holding in her hand. 

A litle piece of plastic with a little tiny sign, symbolizing 'POSITIVE'.


"Maggie!" Daryl hollered, catching her just before she entered her cell.

"Yes Daryl?" Maggie responded, placing her gun back into her pouch.

"You seen Ange?" he asked breathlessly, he had been running around the entire prison looking for her. 

"Yeah, I saw her talkin' with my daddy in his cell."

Daryl nodded in appreciation and started jogging over to Hershel's cell....


"But Hershel you don't understand!" Evangeline exclaimed, "The doctors told me I was inftertile, that I could only hold it for a week then it would stop developing."

"Well have you noticed any signs of a miscarriage? You said it's been two weeks know."

A deep blush climbed up Evangeline's neck and coloured her cheeks as she looked down to the floor sheepishly.

", I haven't noticed anything."

"Then maybe those doctors were wrong."

"They can't be," Evangeline said shakily, remembering back to the time she was given the news, "They told be that I couldn't do the one damn thing a woman is supposed to do."

"Don't think like that Evangeline, look what's happened," he said and gestured to her stomach, "Right there, is a miracle, don't you believe that?"

"Yeah Ange," a familiar husky redneck voice snarled from behind her.

Evangeline swung around with a gasp to see an scowling Daryl leaning against the cell entrance with his arms crossed. He tilted his head, "Don't you believe that?" he growled.

Oh no! Evangeline's pregnant and Daryl doesn't seem to happy! Please vote and comment your thoughts and predictions, I love hearing your feedback and your reactions! Hope you enjoyed it xxx

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