Chapter 14: Interrogation

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"What are we going to do with Martinez?" Glenn asked.

The group all turned from Glenn to Rick who sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of his nose. 

"We can't just send him on his way like we were planning to  do with Randall, he knows where we are and could easily make his way back to Woodbury," Carol added in.

"Not if I break all his limbs," Daryl growled, he had a new kind of hatred for Martinez.

He was responsible for hurting Evangeline and it killed him inside seeing how devastated she was after Martinez shot her brother. He was even more ruthless than he thought. When the Governor and Rick met at an abandoned shed, after a few arguments and the lighting of a cigarette, they ended up having some sort of comaraderie and Daryl thought for just a second that he wasn't as horrible as the Governor. He thought he was just trying to be with people where he thought he could survive and would do whatever it took to stay in their good books, even if it meant being a slave. But Daryl was wrong, Martinez took the step further and became the Governor's personal blackmailing henchman, like Merle. 

Daryl's temper began to rise, but the growing fire inside of him was doused when Evangeline softly put a hand on his shoulder, noticing the lead up in what would be explosive rage. A calmness settled over him and he relaxed.

"He's right," Hershel announced and the group all shot him horrified looks.

"Daddy, you actually agree that breaking his arms and legs is the way to go about this? Torture?" Maggie asked in shock of her father's change of approach.

"Not literal torture, just in a sense." Hershel defended.

Evangeline's eyes widened, understanding exactly what he meant, "Interrogation."


Evangeline watched as the three men, Rick, Daryl and Glenn stood discussing how to approach Martinez through Herhsel's idea. Martinez was further off in the forest a few metres away from them, on his knees and tied to a tree. Evangeline was eyeing him with her arms folded and a scowl on her face. This was the man who took her brother away from her. After loosing him months ago, she had lost all hope that he was alive.

But seeing him alive for just that moment was a spark of hope that was viciously ripped away when Martinez pulled the trigger moments later. She never fulfilled her promise and now, because of both her and Martinez, he would not get to see the next day, he would not be reunited with her, he would not make it too see how the apocalypse progressed for the better or worse, he was not there to reassure her that everything would be ok, he never made it to the prison where they could have momentarily had some sort of home.

But most of all, Sam was one of the few that were trying to survive, both for himself and her and that was taken away from him with one single millisecond when the bullet penetrated his skull.

Her brother was killed in cold blood, not but the freaks that were out for their flesh, but his own kind, living, breathing humans. Sam was betrayed by someone that he should have been able to trust. He never made it to see her grow up, to have the normal brother and sister arguments and do what most brother's do, scare off any guys that threaten to hurt his little sister. Martinez selfishly showed how precious life was and that it could come to a crashing halt in a fragment of a second. 

Sam's life was destroyed abruptly and it was hard to absorb how suddenly his life simply stopped and was taken away from her and that he would go on longer.

Evangeline gritted her teeth and barged past the bickering men who paused their conversation and turned to watch her. She shuffled through the gun bag they had taken with them and pulled out a pistol and a silencer. 

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