Chapter 8: Burnin' Up

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Before you guys read this chapter (which is quite long) I just wanted to thank christinaa76 who promoted my story on her very popluar one! It was very kind of of her! I would also like to thank bad_medicine and randompersonH20 who have been very supportive with their feedback and comments!

So I hope you enjoy the new chapter and make sure to comment what you thought of it! x


“Ya know, they used to use this form of torture in the war,” she stated matter-of-factly and pulled at her handcuffs.

“Well, it’s a darn good idea,” Martinez snapped and continued to hammer the metal rod that pinned the handcuffs around her ankles to the ground.

With one last swing of his hammer, Martinez secured the chain well and truly into the dry ground then stood up and dusted his hands off. Evangeline had her ankles chained and secured in the ground with her wrists cuffed and bloodied behind her back.

The constant attempts of trying to pry her wrists out of her handcuffs had resulted in her breaking almost every inch of skin around her frail wrists and ankles. She was on her knees and slumped over, her bare back faced the harsh Georgia sun and she could feel her skin burning away rapidly. She could almost hear it sizzling. She scowled as Martinez stalked away from her and back towards the town.

“Oh,” he called out and swivelled around, “And not a word out of you or I swear –“

“Yeah, yeah,” Evangeline groaned and rolled her eyes, “Wouldn’t want any of ‘em town folk knowin’ the Governor was fryin’ me up right under their noses,” she muttered.

She pulled angrily at the chains; she was tied up like a wild animal. The ruthless, blistering sun mercilessly beared down on her back and she suddenly felt the impact of the sweltering heat. She scoffed, what a way to die, burning to death. It certainly didn’t help that she hadn’t eaten, drank or slept in days and she quickly felt the sun sucking out all moisture from her throat and body. The sun heated her metal chains which burned and stung at her raw skin.

She needed shade as much as she could so she looked down to the floor and let her hair cascade around her face and shield it from the sun. She could hear her demons whispering,




Evangeline was sick and tired of being treated more like a walker than a human. She was angry, why did this have to happen to her? Why now? Why did the world decide to go to shit while she was still alive? After watching all the horror movies about apocalypses, she always prayed that she would be long dead before one actually came around. Sure it completely turned her life around and she went from having a life where she was controlled by the fear of her father to a life where you had to constantly be on your toes because there could either be adventure around the corner, or death.

Her hair clung to her face as sweat began to drip down her forehead. Evangeline cursed as she felt her back being pelted with full force by the sunlight. She could feel her skin shrivelling and scalding in the fiery heat. The Governor made a smart choice in torture, it would either be her thoughts that killed her or burning to the point of dehydration.

For some reason, throughout all the mayhem, her thoughts began to drift to Daryl; whether he was still alive or even looking for her. She scowled and shook her head, how could she be so stupid? Daryl wouldn’t come looking for her; nobody would, she wasn’t important enough for that to happen. Surely no one cared about her enough to risk their life to save her, right?

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