Chapter 9: Draining Past, Infected Future

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“Rise and shine Evangeline!”

Evangeline moaned into the pillow and turned to face the voice with droopy eyes. Her head throbbed violently and it felt like there was a brick packed inside it. She bit her lip as a round of excruciating stinging pain raked down her raw, bare back and she felt a layer of cool gel smeared across her back. When her droopy eyes came into focus, she saw the girl with short brown hair watching her curiously. She had a tube of clear gel in her hands that was used for burns, which explained the ointment on her back.

“How’d I get ‘ere?” Evangeline croaked and brought her arms closer to her sides.

“Daryl carried you in,” she replied with a huge grin that lit up her whole being. 

Evangeline groaned back into her pillow, “How embarrassin’,” she moaned.

“It’s not embarrassing, it’s romantic!” the girl cooed with a giggle.

“Yeah, well I’m not the romantic type,” Evangeline retorted and faced her again.

“Neither is he.”

Evangeline froze and bit her lip, she hoped she didn’t do anything awkward while she was passed out, that would be humiliating. If he wasn’t romantic, why would he go out of his comfort zone to carry her? He wasn’t the smoothest or most comfortable around women.  

“He fancies you, you know,” the girl mischievously smirked.

“Don’t be silly,” Evangeline laughed.

“I’m being serious! I can see it, in the way he looks at you; it’s the way Glenn looks at me.”

Glenn must be the Asian man who was her boyfriend. But could it be true, the way he looks at her? She was never one to flirt with guys and the only looks she was familiar with between couples, was the look at disgust from her father when he looked at her mother.

“What-what’s yer name?” Evangeline stammered.

“Oh sorry sweetie, my name is Maggie,” she stated in her country accent, “And I’m sorry for yellin’ at you before, I was acting like an asshole.”

“It’s fine,” Evangeline smiled, “I would be a bit shaken up too if my man was beat up like that,” she said, remembering back to the beaten up and bloodied Asian man she was clinging on to.

Maggie’s face paled and fell dramatically and her eyes cast down to the floor. She wanted to tell Evangeline, it was something in her presence and personality that made her want to trust her, she was one of those people that you could easily feel comfortable with.

“It was the Governor who did that to him,” she began quietly and looked down at her hands clasped around the bottle, “I hope he didn’t anything to you like he did to me.”

Evangeline’s heart jumped up into her throat, she didn’t even want to imagine what a lonely man like the Governor would have done to a pretty girl like Maggie.

“Did-did he – “ Maggie stammered but Evangeline frantically cut her off, “No! Oh god no!”

Maggie expelled a sigh of relief and stood up abruptly, her chair screeched against the cell floor.

“Wait – Maggie!” Evangeline said urgently.

Maggie stopped and glanced sadly at her and Evangeline struggled to choke out the words, “The Governor… he-he didn’t… with you… ah –“

“No,” Maggie replied bluntly and quickly made her way out of the cell with her lips pursed tightly to stop herself from bawling.

Evangeline groaned and gently closed her eyes with a sigh. She didn’t see Maggie shove the bottle of gel for her burns into Daryl’s chest who had just strode up to the cell door.

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