Chapter 13: Weeping Angel

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"Ange!" Daryl's voice boomed from somewhere far behind her.

He was the reason she reached for the gun because in that moment, Daryl made her realise all that she would be leaving behind if she died.

"I'm so sorry Sam," she whispered and put the gun to his temple.

He let out one final groan as she gulped and pulled the trigger. He was silenced and dropped back limply onto the ground.

After a moment, a hand appeared beside her head and she looked up to see Glenn looking down on her with concern.

"Come on inside," he said softly.

Evangeline nodded slightly, eyes wide and blank from shock, and took his hand. He helped her up in time for her to see Daryl hurtling through the grass towards them with speed and determination.

"You ok Ange?" he huffed once he stopped in front of her.

Again, without a word, she nodded and it wasn't until Daryl gently put his hand on the small of her back, that she walked with him towards the courtyard. Once they reached the concrete courtyard Glenn shut the screeching gate behind them, she stopped in her tracks. The thought of leaving Sam alone with those monsters hit her like a truck and the reality of his death settled in. With her arms around her waist, she sank to the floor.


"Please don't leave me like everybody else," Sam whispered quietly and bowed his head down in defeat.

"I promise," Evangeline replied. 

~~~~~~~FLASHBACK OVER~~~~~~~

She was breaking her promise. She was leaving him alone after all he went through for her.

"Ange?" Daryl asked, his voice full of worry, "What's wrong?"

Evangeline took a ragged breathe in.

"I...just need some time alone," she said, her voice quivering.

Daryl stared at her momentarily, wondering whether he should leave her alone - he wanted to comfort her, but now didn't seem like the time.

"Ok," he murmured.

"Holler out if you need anything," Glenn added in.

They left Evangeline to battle a war inside her head alone and with a blank expression on her face to hide the pain.


"How is she?" Hershel asked.

"Don't know. Just been sittin' there blank," Daryl replied back gruffly.

Both men sighed, they knew her mental state was deteriorating at a rapid pace and Daryl was worried he wouldn't be able to keep up before it was too late.

"She must 'ave know the guy. I wouldn't have acted like that fer just some stranger," Daryl said.

Hershel nodded in agreement and after a moment of silence he asked, "Has she cried yet?"

"Nah. Not at all," Daryl replied.

"She better soon. A numb girl is more dangerous than a weeping one."


Evangeline stared out ahead of her, lost in a trance. All she could see in front of her was a blur of colours. The greyness of the sky, the silver of the rain like quick, delicate brush strokes, the dark green of the trees and the black shadows they cast.

The Walking Dead - Drained and Insane ([Daryl Dixon]Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang