Chapter 20: Broken Soldiers

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"Glenn, pass me the binoculars" Daryl asked and peered through them when he was handed them, scanning for any movemet within the surrounding forest. Rick had rearranged their positions when he created a new and improved plan for retaliation when the Governor attacked. 

Daryl knew that today would be the day. He felt it in his gut as soon as he woke up. There was a heaviness and uncertainty in the air like the world had taken one giant breathe in, in nervous anticipation.

Something was bound to happen today, everything seemed off.

The sunrise was not as beautiful as it usually was, there was hesitation as it rose slower than usual, like it regretted the day beginning. Many trees were wilting, like they were trying to hide away from the horror that was about to unfold. Even the birds that persistently chirped him awake each morning were silenced, like they were waiting with guilt and sympathy as he woke up, destined in one way or another to face the day. 

Today, something terrible was going to happen.

He had argued with Evangeline beforehand, furious that he was not able to be on watch with her, knowing something was bound to happen. But she argued back, with the cute crease between her eyebrows that she got when she frowned, that she could look after herself and the baby. He knew that she could protect herself, he knew that everyone in the group can manage on their own.

But ever since he had grown attached to Evangeline, with a new feeling that made him want to be with her ever waking minute, a new kind of instinct had emerged. It was a protective instinct but on a whole new level, it was automatic actions and thoughts that took over his mind so that he would not rest until he knew that she was ok. In any situation, the first thought that raced through his mind was Evangeline and her safety, despite her capability to protect herself, it still would not register to him.

Daryl slung his machine gun from behind him over his shoulder and checked he had enough bullets. Bullets that would surely go through each and everyone of the Governor's men.

Daryl remembered back to the time he found Evangeline slumped over on her knees, her wrists and ankles chained with burning hot metal to the ground and her raw back that had been clawed at by the searing sun. How the Governor left her there to burn. How Martinez, the Governor's right hand man, put a bullet through Sam's skull without a moment's hesitation. How Martinez watched with a smile on his face as the life drained out of Sam's body as Evangeline screamed filled the air like lightning and smoke. 

The Governor was coming today and Daryl was sure to make him regret the moment he ever thought about coming to the prison.


Evangeline walked beside a nervous Maggie,  trying to prevent an oncoming panic attack as they walked to their first position; the cell block. She knew that Maggie was not only frightened for herself but more for Glenn and the possibility of his survival if the Governor invaded.

Evangeline was nervous too, in fact, every fibre of her being was screaming for Daryl and wanting him safe. If she wasn't having to be strong and calm for Maggie, she'd be having a nervous breakdown herself. 

Evangeline had to clench her jaw to stop her teeth from going wild with nervous chatter and had to suck in long breathes in attempt to get some air into her lungs that seemed to be deflating in a tight scrunch, like a brown paper bag being used for a panic attack. 

She hated the feeling of fear and how it squeezed her chest, constricted her breathing, crushed her ribs, made her stomach do flip flops and created a lump in her throat that made her desperately want to scream but making it impossible at the same time. 

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