Chapter 7: Weakness

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"You're one of them!" the Governor bellowed, backhanding Evangeline across the face for the 20th time. She wiped her mouth coated in blood on her shoulder as blood dripped down from her nose.

"You're stupid little friends drove me out," he spat, punching her jaw. Evangeline glared at him as she spat out blood at his feet.

"So they should," she sneered. The Governor glared at her furiously and Evangeline returned the glares, she wasn't backing down on this guy, not after she's gotten this far.

"Martinez!" he called out, a Spanish looking man frantically hurried to him at his command, he looked so frightened, as if the Governor would shoot him on the spot if he made one wrong move.

"Bring me some hand cuffs. I have a feeling that this rat will probably chew through her rope," he ordered.

Martinez nodded frantically and quickly made his way down the hall, slamming the tin door behind him.

"And get me a beer while yer there!" Evangeline called out to Martinez who turned around glaring at her and flipped her the bird, making her roll her eyes at his immature behaviour.

"Shut it," the Governor hissed but his threats and danger in his voice didn't faze Evangeline at all.

"Ey, ain't no harm in a drink," she protested with a smirk, grinning up at him.

She watched as he began to tremble with rage and the way he pursed his lips to stop them from twitching made her know he was about to explode. She knew it was stupid, but she continued to provoke him.

"Awh, what's wrong Governor?" she cooed, giving him puppy dog eyes, "Cat got yer tongue?"

The Governor growled, "One more word outta you and that tongue of yours is comin' off."

"Bring it on yer stupid prick," Evangeline snarled, licking her lips.

She remained calm and the Governor lunged forward and clasped his strong calloused hands around her throat, gripping it tightly and sinking his nails into her skin.

"You'll regret this," he whispered angrily through gritted teeth.

"I ain't regrettin' nothin'," Evangeline retorted, choking on her words.

The Governor pried his hands off her throat and reeled back, resting his hands on his belt. He tilted his head to the side, his mouth slightly ajar and breathing heavily.

She narrowed her eyes and looked into his faded blue ones, his pupils were dilating and shrinking at a rapid and uneven pace. She realised that all the signs were coming together and she was able to put the pieces together and see the full picture.

"You're insane yer know," she said quietly.

The Governor scoffed and crossed his arms, "How would you know what insanity is? How does anyone anymore?"

Evangeline rolled her eyes; she hated how people always underestimated her.

"I worked with criminals, I've seen insanity many times."

"Surely I'm not as bad of those crooks," he defended with an evil smirk.

"Nah, you're much worse," she replied back with a disappointed shake of her head.

The Governor stiffened and flexed his jaw, clearly from clenching his teeth so tightly. The clashing of chains ricocheted through the hallway as Martinez nervously stumbled into the room, clearly flustered. He held up the two handcuffs and rattled them in the air, earning an wicked grin from the Governor.

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