Chapter 6: Demons in the Woods

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Evangeline stumbled through the woods, trying to suppress her sobs by cursing under her breathe with each step.

"Stupid Daryl," she muttered, "Gone on standin' there like a stunned mullet. Bastard."

Evangeline knew that she was long lost, with no chance of finding her way back. So she just ran anywhere her legs would take her.

She was tired of running, physically and mentally.

She was tired of each horrible turn leading to the next.

She was tired of being left alone over and over again. Sure she liked being alone, she was an independant woman, but she never liked being lonely.

Being lonely meant she could hear each word her demons hissed at her inside her head. Each threat and name.





'Go on,' they would say, 'Get that gun, put it to your head and pull the god damned trigger.'

She could feel them literally drowning her and dragging her down into the deepest corners of the darkness. It was as if she was floating in an ocean of black and out of nowhere, dozens of diseased hands would come up from underneath her, dig their nails into her skin, cover her mouth so she couldn't breathe and drag her down.

Once she was submerged, all she could see was darkness, all she could feel was the hands dragging her down deeper and deeper as her lungs shrivelled up and failed and she could not longer breathe or speak.

That's how she felt right now, her demons sucking the life right out from under her feet. Her breathing became short and sharp, she was running out of air. She tripped over a tree root and fell flat on her stomach with a gasp, it knocked even more air right out of her. She shakily got up on her hands and knees and began to crawl forward until she reached a tree. Evangeline gripped onto the trunk of the tree and dragged herself up as her head began to droop.

Everything around her started to spin violently, like she was on a theme-park ride. The trees spun around her, faster and faster and her eyes darted around everywhere, not knowing where to look. Her breathing soon became wheezy and she struggled to take a single breathe in.

She tilted her head to the side as the trees spinning around her became black figures with dark wings and glowing yellow eyes. The creatures started to growl at her and they all hissed in unision the things that her demons always sneered at her.




That's when it hit her.

These were her demons.

As if on cue, her demons chuckled a raspy, wheezy, evil laugh, it was the same as her father's. Then the creatures all took a step forward towards her and she shrieked and cowered back against the tree, using her arms to cover her face.

The creatures laughed again, making the hairs on the back of her neck stand up on end. When she looked up, the creatures eyes turned a sickening red colour and their lips turned up into a smile, revealing shiny, clean sharp teeth.

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