19. Sean

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One Last Dance

"Do I really need to go with you guys to attend the party?"

Groaning for the nth time, Gabe rolled his eyes on me and then I lazily stood up to put on my white long sleeve after putting on my shoes and then went to the bathroom and pushed Gabe aside because it was my turn to make my hair.

Gabe pushed me lightly by his butt which made me move aside. I laughed and he rolled his eyes. "Of course, we're great friends with Carson so we all need to be there for his birthday." He told me.

Also, why does the party have to be a little bit formal? Is that really necessary? Okay, I'm scared. I admit. Because she's a kryptonite. Elle is my weakness and I might not stop myself later on.

When we arrived, Will's driver parked the car and it took us almost several minutes before we can even prepare to get off and get in because I really don't know. I'm thinking of going home.

Letting the four other guys go in the place first, I slowed down my pace because I wasn't really in the mood for this party. I mean, Carson is a good friend. But if it is a dancer's party then most invited population of guests would be dancers as well. And by dancers, there would be the Abby Lee Dance Company Team. And by the team, she will be there. Elle will be there. And if Elle will be there, I'm quite sure that the asshole will be there too. Romeo will be there.

Opening one of the massive double doors, I slipped in unnoticed. The whole place was filled with lights, electrodance music, and obviously everyone was enjoying themselves. I was trying to remain alone but Kenneth pulled me to a group of our friends, only to see Charlize (Glass), Lexee (Smith), Sheaden (Gabriel), Tahani (Anderson), Anneston (Pisayavong), and Jordyn (Jones). The Girl Squad was there too. 

Sitting on one of those chairs, someone sat beside me. "Hey, how are you?" It was Lexee and I smiled. But hey, I know what you guys are thinking. But no, she's just a good friend. We're just really good friends now. And yes, no more getting back together.

"Fine." Was all I answered.

She raised an eye brow at me. "You know Sean, if there is one thing I learned from our little 'relationship' back then, then that is a person needs not a perfect relationship. But someone who'd care and fight, and not give up." I looked at her and her eyes are looking at the people dancing. "If she's amazing then she won't be easy. If she's easy, then she won't be amazing. If she's worth it, you won't give up. If you give up, you're not worthy. Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you. You just need to find the ones worth suffering for. So never give up on anybody, miracles happen everyday." She said. "Do not give up, Lew. The beginning is always the hardest." She patted my back and little did I know, my eyes are glued to the most beautiful girl I have seen. "Grab her, take her hand." Lexee whispered to me. "Dance with her." She smiled.

What's with Lexee? A magic or something? Because I don't know what's got into me, and the next thing I knew before I could even turn away, I was already walking towards the familiar face, standing in front of Elle.

She stopped talking with Kaycee, Kendall, Kalani, and Bailey. "Can I have this dance?" I extended my arm out, my hand for her to take. She looked at the four girls who were smiling and she slowly stood up, taking my hand and letting her guard down as she let me make my hands to her hips as we started dancing.

I kept talking to her and tried starting a conversation but she won't speak and talk to me.

My eye shifted on her face, and her whole being for she was more than beautiful tonight. "You're so gorgeous." She shook her head. "Seriously, you are more than gorgeously beautiful." I said and she looked away because she don't believe it when someone says she is. "I know sometimes you don't see it, but you're stunning, absolutely breathtaking. Your flaws are nothing, and they don't define you. Your mistakes does not define you either. And most of all darling, I will not change the way I look at you just because of your decision about him." She looked at me and then she looked down. I don't want her to feel disappointed about herself even if it hurts me that she chose him. "I... I miss you." I whispered and she looked at me. I chuckled and tried to enlighten the mood. "It's funny how I pathetically wait for my phone to light up from your text, though the anxiety of you forgetting about me kills me." I told her in all honesty. 

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