Chapter 1: Rocky's First Day

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Beep Beep Beep Beep

Gah, stupid alarm clock. I quickly sit up and turn the alarm off. I yawn as I sit in my bed. I stretch my arms out as I'm greeted by a brand new day. I sigh heavily as I finally get up and trudge my way into the bathroom. Ugh, I was never a morning person. I remember when my mom and dad would always rush into my room and start bouncing on my bed to get me up. They acted like such children back then. Back then I found it annoying whenever they did that, but now I miss them doing that.

I do my normal morning routine before I return to my room to out something to wear. I open my closet door and look inside. Hmmm, what should I wear? I have school today and... oh, I forget to tell you. I didn't get into the all girls school, sadly. I was so depressed that day when I got the letter. I literally cried myself to sleep and then woke up crying again. Well... I'm exaggerating a little bit, but I was still depressed the next day as well.

On the bright side though my grades did get me into the all boys high class academy. Yup, all boys. It took me a while to finally agree to dress up as a boy and enroll in the all boys school. Luckily, I've always kept my hair short, so I'm good for the hair. I take out an oversized, dark blue cardigan, a black dress shirt, dress pants, and a pair of my best dress shoes. I've had to wear glasses before, but I bought a pair of clear lense glasses for my disguise.

After I'm fully dressed I grab my bag and walk down the stairs. I'm not going to eat breakfast today. This always happens whenever I get nervous. I never eat when I get nervous. I hear a beeping sound from outside so I look outside my window. Oh, good, the taxi is here. I sigh again as I exit my house and get in the taxi. I tell the taxi driver where I want to go. He nods in understanding as we set off.

The drive is only 10 minutes long. Good, I'm won't be late. When the taxi approaches the school I look out the window. Whoa, this place is huge and the building is beautiful. No wonder, it's a high class school. The taxi driver carefully places my things on the ground next to me.

"Thanks," I thank him as I take out my wallet and take out a 20 dollar bill, "Here keep the change." Then I hand it to him.

"Thank you have a nice day," the taxi driver says as he bows and then gets back in his taxi. I stare silently at the school in astonishment. Come on, Rocky, you can do it. I nod to myself as I pick my stuff up and walk inside. When I walk inside I am greeted by a friendly looking man with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. He looks like he's in his late 20s or something.

"Are you new here?" The man asks with a friendly smile.

"Um... yes... I'm new," I respond. Why did I say it like that? Now, he's looking at me weirdly.

"Are you sure?" He asks, "You sound unsure." Aish. Good job Rocky.

"I'm new," I repeat, "I'm apologize I'm just really nervous." The man laughs. Um, did I say something funny?

"Well, that's understandable if you're new here," he states. I nod in understanding. "Come, I'll take you to the main office." Wow, that's nice of him to offer to take me to the main office.

"Thank you, sir," I thank him with a smile. He smiles back at me as he gestures for me to follow him. I nod as I follow close behind him. As we walk I notice him gazing at me. I look up at him questioningly.

"Sorry, you just look familiar," the man comments. I do? That's strange because I've never met him before. Or maybe I have, but if I have then it must have been when I was really little.

"Really?" I ask. He nods as he continues to stare at me. Well, this is awkward. Dude, please stop staring at me. After a few minutes he shakes his head and turns his face away.

Dreamy Days In School In West Tokyo ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora