End Of Story Bonus Chapter

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*******3 YEARS LATER********

Wow, it's already senior year! Time sure does fly quickly. I managed to make it through 4 years at this academy without anybody finding out that I'm actually a girl. Well, besides the guys of course. The guys are awesome. They promised to keep my secret and they have for so long. They've helped me so many times when people were almost about to find out that I am actually a girl. They truly are amazing and even happen to be dating one of them. Rihito Hatsune, the peverted, flirty, blond boy. He has been an amazing boyfriend through these 4 years at the academy, but he still constantly flirts with me all the time. Not that I mind it that much anymore, but I say he flirts way more than he should sometimes. I guess that's what makes him Rihito.

We've all grown up a lot since first year. Rihito's hair is much straighter now. Actually, pretty much all of the guys' hair is straighter now. My hair is still pretty much the same though. It's grown out a little bit, but I've kept it short for a long time and I like it that way because it doesn't get in the way. Plus, I needed to keep it short in order for nobody to suspect that I'm actually a girl.

We are currently at the mall right now. The guys are buying suits and tuxedos because guess what's happening tonight? It's prom night! Apparently, for prom night the all girls academy and the all boys academy get together again and dance. I, however, have decided not to attend prom because I think that would just be awkward for me to have to dance with girls from the all girls academy. I haven't exactly told the guys yet that I'm not going to the prom and I don't intend to unless they ask if I am. Although, they might just be expecting that I'll go. Well, looks like I might have to disappoint them.

"Hey Rocky, little help here," Rihito remarks groaning in frustration. I sigh as I place my things down and go into the change rooms. I look at all the stalls in confusion.

"Which one are you in?" I ask in annoyance. Soon one of the doors to one of the change rooms open and out comes Rihito trying to fix his tie.

"Geez, this stupid tie," Rihito comments in irritation. I stifle a laugh as I walk up to him and fix his tie.

"There we go," I respond with a satisfied nod. Rihito smiles at me and pulls me into him before planting a soft kiss on my lips. I smile under his lips and kiss him back. Soon the others come out and see us.

"Get a room!" Ichigo exclaims as he and the others look away blushing. I giggle as Rihito and I pull away.

"Alright, let me get a good look at you guys," I reply standing in front of them. I examine them from head to toe and nod approvingly. "You guys clean up nice." They all smile at me.

"Remind me again why we're all wearing white jackets," Ichigo comments scowling. Yeah, Ichigo's attitude as stuck with him through these last 3 years. The others think that it's because he still hasn't got over the fact that I chose Rihito. I really don't want him to stay mad at me though.

"Yeah, why are you guys all wearing white jackets?" I ask curiously, "It's prom not a wedding."

"Eh, it's the dress code for the all boys academy," Haruki responds shrugging, "The guys wear white jackets while the girls can wear any other colours."

"Well, that doesn't seem fair," I reply raising an eyebrow. Haruki shrugs with a sigh.

"I know, but we have to follow it otherwise we get kicked out of prom," Haruki answers. Wow, they can get kicked out if they don't wear white to prom? Geez.
"Well, it's a good thing that you guys all look good in white then otherwise nobody would want to dance with you guys," I state with a joking grin. They all roll their eyes at my little joke.

"Haha, very funny Rocky," Ryuzo responds scowling at me.

"You'd probably look good in white too Rocky," Rihito comments smirking at me. I freeze for a moment. I feel bad about not telling them that I'm not going to be going to prom with them, especially Rihito. I mean, after all, he is my boyfriend and it's not right for us to keep secrets from each other, but if I tell him and the others then they're just going to constantly push me to go.

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