Chapter 19: Love Battle Two

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Well, it's the end of Christmas vacation and we are heading back to the academy. It was a pretty fun vacation and the best part about it was that I got to spend it with my dad and all my friends. The guys spent the first week at my place and then we all spent the second week at Johji's place.

Rihito and Ichigo seem to be getting along better now. Although, they could just be getting along for show and fighting when I'm not looking. In that case, I feel kind of like Erza Scarlett from the anime tv series Fairy Tail because everybody's scared of her, including Gray Fullbuster and Natsu Dragneel whose fighting habits kind of remind me of Ichigo and Rihito. I honestly don't know who would be who, but they seriously remind me of Gray and Natsu.

They managed to keep their fighting and arguing to a minimum though. They only really caused a stir once during Christmas vacation and that was during the first week when we went to this amazing place called Snowflake Kingdom where there are slides literally made of ice. It was awesome until those two idiots got us kicked out of there. I'm pretty sure we aren't allowed to go back there ever again. I really gave it to them afterwards though.

I got so many presents and I got this awesome skateboard that has a galaxy pattern on it because dad made me wear something that looked cutesy. Everyone loved their presents too. Most of my presents were some pretty awesome stuff, however, there was one present that made me want to slap one of them and that person was Rihito. Rihito bought me two presents and the first one I actually really liked, but the second one embarrassed me so much I literally almost slapped him across the face. For the second present he bought me a purple, matching, lace bra and underwear. Yes! Bra and underwear! I was like what the heck Rihito?! Is this some kind of joke? You know what he said? He said that he bought it for me because when the guys were staying at my house he saw the kinds of bras and underwear I wear and that he didn't approve. He said that he thought I would look sexy in the new lingerie that he bought me. I got so mad at him for that. I started screaming at him to not go through my stuff again. The others tried to calm me down, which didn't work at all. Probably because of how embarrassed I was. I mean, how would you feel if a guy went through your bra and underwear drawer and said that they didn't approve?

My cheeks were so red that whole time I thought I was going to pass out. Dad and Johji came back in when they heard all the commotion and asked what was going on. None of us answered of course. We were all too flustered to explain, but I think dad understood what had happened when he saw the new lingerie I was holding. Man, did he get mad. First, he asked who gave me the lingerie. None of us said anything, except for Ichigo of course who ratted on Rihito. Rihito tried to explain that it was just a joke present, but dad ended up yelling for 10 minutes straight about how it's not funny to give a girl lingerie as a joke present and that if he ever did it again then he would pull me out of the academy. Rihito had immediately apologized and promised that he wouldn't do it again, but I have feeling that he'll do something like that again.

Then Rihito and Ichigo got into this huge honking fight about Ichigo ratting Rihito out. I honestly have no idea how long it lasted, but we managed to make them stop. Dad couldn't stop glaring at Rihito at the dinner table and Rihito couldn't stop glaring at Ichigo.

So, yeah, that's one of the reasons why I've been kind of avoiding Rihito, but I've also been avoiding him because of something else that happened that same day. After we had dinner, Rihito asked if I wanted to go on a walk with him. At first, I was kind of hesitant about it, but I figured if he decided to try something on me then I could just get dad to beat him up. Oh, that sounds really mean. So, I went with him and we walked around the neighbourhood for a while. We were pretty silent for most of it, but then everything got so awkward after Rihito started talking. He started saying that he was sorry about the bra and underwear thing and that it was just a joke present. Yeah right it was. He then said that my real second present is a lot better. At first, I didn't know what he meant by that, but then I knew exactly what he meant because he kissed me again. I don't know what has got into me! I've let 2 guys kiss me and 1 of them kiss me twice! Ugh!

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