Chapter 7: Painful Memories

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Rihito continues to not say anything. He stares at the ground in thought. Actually more in confusion. No no no he can't like me like that. I mean sure I am actually a girl, but if he finds out then that we'll blow my whole cover. Ugh. Rihito, say something! Protest and tell me I'm wrong! Yell at me that I'm being stupid! Rihito doesn't say anything as he gets up with his tray and walks past us with his head still down. After that, he walks out of the cafeteria without saying a word.

"Wow, you really told him," Ryuzo states as he smiles amusingly at where Rihito stepped out. Yeah, sure, I told him. I think I just made things worse. Ugh, I really hope that it's not true what I had asked him. "I didn't picture Rihito as the one to go for both guys and girls." Ryuzo, don't say something like that! Geez, now I'm getting a bit nervous.

"Well, even so, I mean, he has no reason not to," Haruki comments. All three of us look at Haruki in confusion.

"Wait, are you saying that you think Rocky is pretty?" Ryuzo asks his eyes widen. My eyes widen too.

"Well, Rocky is an attractive guy," Takeshi comments. My eyes widen even more and my mouth drops.

"Take!" I exclaim. He shrugs his shoulders.

"Well, it's true Rocky and you have a certain girlish charm," Haruki says. Uh, guys, can we please stop talking about this?

"You could be right Haru," Ryuzo says as he examines me, "After all, he did slap Rihito and usually boys punch." Ok, note to self, next time Rihito bugs me punch him. Ok, good plan. I'm surprised at how I haven't even been called down once for hitting both Ichigo and Rihito several different times.

"Ok, well, uh, let's go shall we," I suggest.

"But, Rocky, we haven't even eaten yet," Ryuzo comments. I look down at the tray in my hand and see that my food hasn't been touched yet. Oh, um, I'm not really that hungry anymore.

"You guys eat," I say as I return my tray. The guys are looking at me with worried expressions. Ugh, I'm always worry them. I feel kind of bad. I sigh as I walk out of the cafeteria. Geez, what am I going to do? Am I really that attractive? Do I really remind people of a girl? Let's just hope that it remains that I remind them of a girl. Ugh, I'm really going to regret not eating anything at lunch. I haven't eaten anything today. I hope I don't get a migraine from not eating anything.

I guess I'll go for a walk outside. I walk to the front of the school and walk outside. Nobody is outside. That's good. I can get some peace and quiet. I notice a path that flows into the nearby woods. I check my watch. Good, I have about 45 minutes left of lunch break. I sigh as I walk into the woods. I can hear birds twittering their jolly songs.

I soon come to the end of the trail. Well, I guess I should head back. As I'm about to turn around I hear the sound of water. I turn back around and walk towards the very end of the trail. There at the end of the trail is a river. The surface of the water is shimmering in the sunlight. The soft breeze is lightly flowing through my short hair. I guess this is the time when it's good to have long hair because it can flow beautifully in the wind. I sigh in content and close my eyes. It feels so good to be outside. It reminds me of when my dad and I walked along the beach the last day that I ever saw him again. The memory still brings me to tears. I can feel my eyes brimming with tears.

"Why did you leave me?" I lightly whisper to myself. I sigh lightly. DING DING DONG. Well, I guess lunch break is over now. Did I really spend that much time here? I guess, I should head back now. I glance at the water one more time before turning around and heading back.

As I walk a few steps my head starts to throb like crazy. Ugh. Aw man, I knew I was going to regret not eating anything. Maybe I can sneak a bite to eat in one of the vending machines in the academy. I continue to walk back to the academy, trying to ignore the intense pain in my head. The sun is too bright. I need food so badly right now. I'm beginning to stumble over rocks. This is so not good. My vision is starting to go blurry. Fudge, I can barely see where I'm going. I shake my head as I try to keep myself from going unconscious. Ugh. My head hurts so much. Before I know it, I'm falling to the ground and then my eyes close. Oh god, I hope somebody finds me. I really don't want to die out here.

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