Chapter 3: Rocky's Makeover

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I wake up to the sound of a loud knocking on my door. I groan as I lazily get out of bed to answer the door. I don't care that I'm in my... wait, I do care that I'm in my pyjamas. My pyjamas consist of sweatpants and a tank top, which can see that I actually have something on my chest that guys don't have. The knocking continues as I search for something to put over my tank top. Ugh, where's my cardigan? Oh no. Don't tell me that I left it at Haruki's. Shoot. Um. I quickly grab my dress shirt and put over top of my tank top. Ok, I think I'll be good for answering the door.

"Hey Rocky, are you awake?" I hear Haruki's voice on the other side of the door. Oh, it's Haruki. "I just came to return your cardigan. You left it in my room." Oh, thank goodness. I open the door and see Haruki standing there holding my cardigan. I let out a sigh of relief when I see it.

"Oh my god, thanks, Haru," I thank him with a relieved smile, "I thought that I lost it. I was looking all over for it." Haruki chuckles as he hands me my cardigan.

"Well, I'm just glad that you didn't lose it," Haruki says as he continues to smile at me.

"Yeah, me too," I agree, "Thanks again Haru, for returning it to me."

"It's no problem," he says, "Anyways, hurry up, we have to get some breakfast." Oh right breakfast.

"Right, ok, um," I start, "Here, you can come in if you want." I step aside and hold the door open.

"Sure, thanks," he thanks me as he steps inside. Hopefully, none of my bras are on the ground. I bite my lip nervously.

"Well, I'm going to get changed and I'll be out in a minute," I state as I grab my dress pants and dress shoes. Haruki nods as he sits on the couch. I quickly rush into the bathroom and shut the door. Phew. I quickly get changed and then open the door. "Ok, I'm ready. Let's go." Haruki stands up and we walk down to the cafeteria together.
When we walk in all eyes are on us including those of Ichigo and Rihito. "Why is everyone staring at us?" Haruki chuckles beside me.

"Probably because you look slightly different than yesterday," Haruki explains. I stare at him confused making him chuckle again. Geez, is everything I say funny to this guy? "You look different today because you aren't wearing your glasses."

"Wait, I'm not?!" I ask in panic. Shoot. I have to go back to my room now. "Sorry, Haru but I can't see a thing without them." Haruki eyes me suspiciously.

"Really, because you seemed fine walking down here with me and you didn't bump into anything," Haruki asks in suspicion. Ugh, Haru. Now what excuse can I come up with? Geez, this is only the second day and already I have both Rihito and Haruki suspicious. "And besides, what's wrong with not wearing glasses? I mean, you look good." He thinks I look good? Gah, I can feel my cheeks heating up. This is so not good. I can't let him and everybody see me like this.

"Thanks, but really I don't," I argue. Haruki chuckles again.

"No, you do," Haruki argues back, "I mean, not wearing your glasses doesn't necessarily mean that we can see your eyes better now because we can't. They're still covered by your hair."

"Yeah and I'm going to keep it that way," I state. Haruki smiles at me teasingly. "Haru, please stop."

"Alright, I'll stop," Haruki says as he chuckles. We get our breakfast and then go to sit down at a table. "Oh, there's Ryu and Take. Come on, let's go sit with them."

"Ok," I agree as we go to sit with them, "Hey Ryu. Hey Take."

"Hey Rocky," Ryuzo greets me with a smile. Takeshi nods his head at me with a blank expression before resting his head on his arms. "Don't mind Take. He's always sleepy like this." I nod in understanding. Takeshi then suddenly lifts his head up again and looks to a different table.

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