Chapter 9: Slumber Party P1

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"What's wrong?" Rihito asks as he looks at Haruki, Ryuzo, and Takeshi's surprised expressions.

"Someone please tell us what's going on," Ryuzo comments.

"Rocky, why are you not freaking out and demanding that Ichigo leave?" Haruki asks. Everybody looks at me in question. Oh boy.

"Um, well, you know sometimes some things are not what they seem, but then you get all weirded out and don't know what to do...," I begin to ramble. I have no idea what the heck I'm saying right now. I'm literally just talking complete nonsense right now.

"Uh, Rocky, you're not making any sense," Haruki points out. I laugh nervously. "Rocky, is there something you're not telling us?" Geez, Haruki can always tell when something's up. I sigh. I guess I can't hide it forever.

"I left the room," I say.

"You what?!" Everybody, except Ichigo, exclaim. Ichigo just stands there looking completely lost.

"Ok, now I'm lost," Ichigo states. I sigh in exasperation.

"I wasn't supposed to leave the room because they believe that I still don't feel well," I explain.

"Yeah, I heard about what happened," Ichigo says, "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm ok," I respond, "In fact, I feel perfectly fine."

"Oh, I don't see why you have to be hauled up in your room if you're feeling perfectly fine," Ichigo comments. Yes, Ichigo is on my side.

"Ichigo!" The others exclaim.

"What?" Ichigo asks looking bewildered, "Was I not supposed to say that?"

"See at least someone understands," I comment sticking my tongue out at the others. The others stare at me weirdly.

"Rocky, I don't think you're feeling well at all," Ryuzo states.

"Oh my god guys, I'm fine," I protest in annoyance.

"If he's suddenly talking to Ichigo as if nothing happened then no doubt he's definitely not feeling well," Haruki whispers to Ryuzo, Takeshi, and Rihito. Oh my god.

"Wait, so, you said you snuck out of the room?" Rihito asks with an eyebrow raised. I nod. "And now you're suddenly talking to Ichigo as if nothing happened." I don't nod this time. I only stand there in silence. "You overheard me and Ichigo talking didn't you?" Bingo!

"Uh, yeah, sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop," I apologize looking down, "I just happened to hear you two talking and then I kind of just listened."

"So, if you're talking to Ichigo then that means that you believe him that he's innocent," Rihito continues. I hesitate for a moment, but then I nod.

"See Ichigo," Rihito says, "I told you that Rocky would understand." Ichigo smiles thoughtfully at both Rihito and I.

"Wait, you're seriously believing that he's innocent?" Ryuzo asks in disbelief, "He lied to you and stole from you."

"It only appeared that way," I reply, "And besides, Ichigo didn't really have any chance to steal my key anyways now that I think about it. He was with me most of the day."

"Yeah, well, he could have stolen it when you weren't looking," Ryuzo argues.

"Ryu, he was set up," I argue back, "Someone planted the key and my picture in his room to make it look like he stole my stuff."

"Well, then, why did Rihito tell you about seeing Ichigo breaking into your room?" Haruki asks curiously. Oh yeah, good point. We all turn to Rihito in question.

Dreamy Days In School In West Tokyo ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora