Chapter 16: It's A Date!

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Hey all my lovely readers! I hope you liked the last chapter. Get excited for this one though because it will get your hearts pounding and your cheeks blushing. Yup, you got it. It's one of those chapters. So, get ready for some "Hot and steamy" moments. 😉😉


It's been a week since the guys found out that I was actually a girl and they haven't been themselves lately. In fact, I think all of them have pretty much been avoiding me. Hopefully, it's just because they're awkward about speaking to me and not because they're mad about me not telling them. Ichigo is still mad at me for not telling him, but I think my reasons are valid enough reasons. Oh god and Rihito just won't leave me alone. Ever since he found out that I'm a girl he's been constantly flirting with me. It's driving me crazy. He's taken every little chance to flirt with me. The guys are all acting so strange and it's making all the other students be suspicious. Ugh.

I've been walking by myself a lot to classes. I feel so lonely now. When I first came here I didn't seem to care if nobody talked to me, but now that the guys aren't even walking with me I can't help but feel a little sad. I bite my lip to fight back the tears that threaten to fall down my face as I walk to my first class. I haven't been eating breakfast lately ever since the guys started acting strange. Actually, now that I think about it. I haven't been coming to breakfast, lunch, or supper. I've pretty much just been living off apples and cereal that I've kept stashed in my room. I've been constantly hungry this whole week, which probably isn't very healthy, but I guess it's just me realizing that I feel guilty about not telling the guys. Why did they have to find out like this though?

As I walk into my first class I see Haruki already sitting in his seat. He looks up and his eyes widen at me for a brief moment before looking away. I sigh as I slowly make my way over to my seat, which is right next to Haruki. I slowly sit down and look over at him.

"Hey Haru," I greet him with a smile. He looks over at me and his cheeks go red.

"Um, hi, Rocky," Haruki greets me back. I can tell that he's trying to keep his cool because his smile seems forced.

"Look, Haru, I'm really sorry about not-," I start, but Haruki cuts me off.

"Uh, class is starting. I guess we should be quiet now," Haruki states awkwardly as he turns away from me and keeps his attention to the board. I sigh as I too turn my attention to the board. The whole class I could feel tears forming in my eyes, but I managed to blink them away. Only a couple of times did I see Haruki glance over at me, but then when I would catch him he would turn away from me again. "Uh, well, see you at lunch I guess."

"Yeah, see you," I say as he packs up his bag and leaves the class. I sigh heavily as I pack up my bag and leave the classroom. I go to my next classroom. I see Ichigo and Rihito talking alone in the classroom.

"Why won't you just talk to her?" Rihito asks in frustration.

"Because she has been lying to us this whole time and who knows what else she's been hiding from us," Ichigo explains with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face. Rihito rolls his eyes.

"Oh boohoo. So, she didn't tell us that she was actually a girl. Big, hairy deal," Rihito responds in annoyance. Ichigo glares at Rihito.

"It is a big, hairy deal! Do you know how much trouble we could get in just knowing that a girl is at our school?" Ichigo asks. Ichigo, can you please not say this so loudly?

"You know what Ichigo? Yes, ok, she messed up and she even admitted to feeling guilty about not telling us, but right now she needs us, her friends by her side helping her through this, not ignoring her and pretending that she doesn't exist!" Rihito exclaims in anger. He is glaring at Ichigo. Ichigo stares at him in shock for a moment before shaking his head. I can't hold it in any longer. The tears slowly roll down my cheeks as I continue to listen to their conversation. Rihito is sticking up for me. I start to feel even guiltier. I lied and Rihito is still sticking up for me.

Dreamy Days In School In West Tokyo ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora