Chapter 14: Boyband

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Things have been a little awkward between Rihito and I ever since the change rooms scenario. The guys kept asking us constantly what was up, but we remained silent. I think we're both just too embarrassed to say anything or talk about what happened.

Anyways, the guys have been telling me about this event called The Battle of The Bands or something. I don't know. Apparently, the all boys academy and the all girls academy group together at a huge stadium and form bands then perform on stage. Then they started talking about awards if you win the battle. I didn't really get all of it, but that was mostly because I wasn't really listening. Honestly, I don't understand what the point of it is, but whatever. I guess it's just supposed to be something fun to do.

"Alright class, that's it for today," the teacher says as he closes up his books, "Remember, the bus is leaving at 3:00, so make sure you're all prepared."

"Guys, we should perform in The Battle of The Bands," Ryuzo suggests excitedly. The others think for a moment.

"I guess it could be fun," Haruki responds as he nods his head.

"I'm in it for the costumes," Ichigo states. The others and I roll our eyes.

"Sounds like a lot of work, but sure," Takeshi agrees. I'm surprised that Takeshi is agreeing to doing this. I would have thought that he would just want to sleep instead of sing. Also, another thing, since when do they sing? The only time I heard them all sing was in Ryuzo's dad's car when we were going to his cottage. So, yeah, I've heard them sing only once and believe me they did not sound good. I guess, they could have just been singing badly on purpose, so there could be a chance that they're actually really good singers. Although, not to be rude or anything, but I think Haruki might be a bit tone deaf because despite the fact that everybody was singing really bad he was completely off key the whole time. I think none of us said anything because we didn't want to hurt his feelings.

"To impress the girls? That's my motto," Rihito remarks with a slight smirk.

"Rihito, you don't have a motto and even if you did that definitely wouldn't be it," Ryuzo comments. Rihito frowns.

"I thought your motto was to flirt and give a smirk," I remark. Hey, I rhymed just now. Rihito looks at me for a moment.

"That's actually not a bad motto," Rihito says as he nods his head. Oh boy.

"Rocky, he doesn't have a motto and he never had one to begin with," Haruki states. I shrug.

"Well, thanks to Rocky, I have one now and it's to flirt and give a smirk," Rihito replies as he smirks. The rest of us roll our eyes and sigh. Ichigo shakes his head disapprovingly. Rihito then looks at me. When our eyes meet they widen before we look away from each other awkwardly.

"Ok, I'm really curious now as to what happened between the two of you," Ichigo says as he looks at us curiously.

"Ichy, it's nothing," I answer quickly. Ichigo sighs.

"Fine," Ichigo responds with a disappointed look on his face.

"So, do you want to be part of our band Rocky?" Rihito asks. The others look at me with curious expressions waiting for my answer. I shake my head.

"I'm good. Thanks for asking though, but like I told you when we went to Ryu's cottage I'm not a good singer," I recall. The others nod in understanding, but Rihito continues to look at me. "What?"

"Oh nothing," Rihito replies as he shakes his head and looks away from me. Well, that was weird.

"Well, what should we name our band?" Haruki asks curiously.

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