Chapter 11: The Culprit

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It's Monday! I can finally go back to going to class. I'm hoping that the other students won't ask me why I haven't been in class for a whole week because I am really not in the mood to explain that situation, but they probably will. This all boys academy, surprisingly, has a lot of gossipers, which is really weird because it's usually the girls who gossip and the guys usually just roll their eyes. I guess if you're in a school that has only boys then it would probably get boring around if there wasn't any gossip. Ugh.

Well, on the bright side, the events from the weekend are still locked in my head, especially the part where everybody praised my cooking. Well, I guess my mom's cooking because she was the one who taught me how to make the finnish pancakes. I miss her so much. I felt really happy when I was making those finnish pancakes for the guys because I felt like she was right there with me, making them with me.

A knock on my door snaps me out of my thoughts. I jump out of bed in surprise and quickly get myself dressed before going to answer the door. I open the door to see the guys standing there talking to themselves. When they see me they all stop talking and smile at me with friendly smiles on their faces.

"Good morning Rocky," they all greet me at the same time. I chuckle in amusement.

"Did you guys plan that or something because you literally said that at the exact same time?" I ask in an impressed tone of voice. They all shake their heads at the same time as well. I stifle another laugh as I grab my things and lock the door behind me.

"So, excited to get back to studying?" Haruki asks.

"Surprisingly, yes, I am excited," I respond, "Although, I'm not sure if I'm quite excited for when everybody starts asking me where the heck I've been." Haruki chuckles.

"Don't worry, we got you covered," Ryuzo replies. I eye Ryuzo suspiciously.

"When you say that you got me covered, do you mean that when they ask you'll save me from their questions or do you mean that you already told them something that's the complete opposite of what happened?" I ask curiously. The others snicker as we wait for Ryuzo's response. Ryuzo doesn't respond. "It's the second one isn't it?"

"Yeah, we told him that we should ask you first before going around and spreading lies, but he wouldn't listen," Ichigo explains as he shakes his head disapprovingly at Ryuzo. Ryuzo glares at him.

"Ryu never listens, so it shouldn't really be a surprise that he completely ignored what we told him," Rihito comments. Ryuzo gasps in shock at Rihito's comment.

"Rihito, how could you say something like that to me?" Ryuzo asks pretending to be hurt. Rihito just shrugs his shoulders. The rest of us laugh at Ryuzo's pouting face as we walk down to get some breakfast. As we walk into the cafeteria all eyes turn to us. Oh my god. What the heck did Ryuzo tell everyone? I kind of want to know and yet I also kind of don't want to know.

"Aw, I don't want the gross, yucky cafeteria breakfast," Ichigo complains in disgust.

"Yeah, Rocky, you should make those finnish pancakes for everyone again," Rihito suggests. The others nod.

"Guys, it's almost time to head to class and I am not going to get up extra early just to make you guys finnish pancakes," I refuse. They all pout, even Haruki.

"But Rocky," they protest.

"Don't but Rocky me," I protest.

"Well, we will but Rocky you if it means that you'll make us some finnish pancakes," Ichigo argues. I look at him with a blank expression before shaking my head. Ichigo sighs as he glances at the others. "Rocky, we didn't want to have to do this, but we are desperate and you may not like what we're going to do next." I stare at them in confusion as they bend down to their knees and begin to beg.

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