Chapter 17: Daddy's Back

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Another week has gone by and ever since that so called date that Rihito and I went on I have not been able to look Rihito straight in the eye. In fact, I've kind of been avoiding him, but this time it's not because I'm mad or upset with him. This time it's because I'm too embarrassed to see or talk to him. I can't believe he kissed me and I can't believe that I let him! Ahhhhhh! The worst part about this is that I liked the kiss too. It's crazy! This whole week I've been having the same dreams from that night when Rihito kissed me. Ugh, I don't know what to do. The others have been bugging me to stop avoiding Rihito because he keeps complaining about me avoiding him. Rihito, you should know why I'm avoiding you because you did this to me. I can't keep a straight face whenever I see him and when the others start talking about him I immediately change the subject. Oh, speaking of which, Ichigo finally started talking to me again. He explained that he wasn't actually that mad at me, but that it was just that he didn't know how to act around me, which is understandable. I mean, look at me now with Rihito. The guys had to fill Ichigo in on everything that happened between Rihito and I.

"Rocky, you know you can't hide from me forever," Rihito comments with a chuckle as I hide in the bathroom stall. The whole morning I kept trying to make sure that Rihito stayed a good distance away from me. We're currently in second period and it's the period where I have both Rihito and Ichigo sitting next to me in class. During class Rihito kept whispering things into my ear. It was so distracting that I had to ask the teacher if I could go to the bathroom. I needed to get out of that classroom, but the pervert that he is, Rihito followed me to the bathroom just so I wouldn't take too long.

"If hiding out in a bathroom stall is what it's going to take for me to avoid you then I will do it," I respond as I stand in the stall. Rihito stifles a laugh.

"Wow, so, you're admitting that you're avoiding me," Rihito remarks. Oh fudge. I can't believe that I just burst that out. I face palm and give out a sigh.

"Rihito, please just let me go to the bathroom in peace," I plead in hope. He chuckles.

"Haha, nice try Rocky, but I know you don't actually need to go to the bathroom otherwise you wouldn't have said that hiding out in the stall was your way of avoiding me," Rihito replies. Ugh, I can feel him smirking. I really need to think these things through before I say them.

"Whatever, just go away," I remark in irritation. My back is currently leaning against the door. Rihito doesn't respond. Is he gone? Yes, finally. My happiness is soon washed away when I feel someone poke me on the head. "Ahhhhhh!" Startled I look up to see Rihito with his arms slung over the side of the stall. "What the heck are you doing Rihito?!" Is he standing on the toilet or something?

"Rocky, you wouldn't happen to be avoiding me on account of me stealing your first kiss, would you?" Rihito asks curiously with a smirk on his face. My eyes widen as I look away.

"Who said anything about that being my first kiss?" I ask trying to sound unaffected. He gasps as he gets down and crawls under the stall into my stall. "Rihito!!!!!" He clamps his hand over my mouth and backs me up against the stall wall.

"Who's this guy that gave you your first kiss?" Rihito asks his eyes full of rage, "Tell me now. Who is he? Do I know him? Is he one of the guys? Is it Ichigo?" Dude, I can't answer all those questions at once!

"No, just stop," I respond as I push him away and sprint out of the bathroom. I got to get away from him. He's freaking me out. He legit looked like he was ready to punch someone. As I run away from the bathroom I bump into someone and we go falling to the ground together. Oh geez. "Oh my god, I'm sorry." I look up to see Ichigo on the ground underneath me.

"It's ok," Ichigo responds as he holds his head. When he notices that I'm on top of him he blushes.

"Your face is really red. Man, I must have bumped into you pretty hard," I comment as I touch his forehead. His faces becomes even more redder. "Geez, you're burning up!"

Dreamy Days In School In West Tokyo ✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن