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I walk alongside the cracked pavement. My lavish need for adventure is devastating; I was warned. Mia did not necessarily drag me along. I chose to come along and as I get closer and closer the aroma of weed fills my nose I begin to regret my decision of wearing a dress.I keep focus of the black horizon  making my way up the gauntly steps. The mahogany door was wide open and people fill every crevice of the home.

I walk inside and it smells terrible, like an average party; sweat and alcohol. Girls and boys converse over what ever rap music  that was playing on repeat. But every time this one song played again every part of the house shakes of cheers.  

I found mia drinking out of a dixi cup, i can tell by the looks of it she is drunk out of her mind. She was flirting with some guy, a guy she would regret if I did not pry her off.

"Mia, stop drinking" i said while taking her cup out of her hands.

Mia's big brown eyes widen, "oh Ashley, i've been waiting on you to come. Now, you are here!"

"Come on let's get you some water" I chuckle.

Mia let out a groan and tapped the older guy's nose. The guy just let out a husky chuckle and walked away.

Mia is a freshmen yet still manages to obtain the popularity and looks of a senior. I find it difficult that I am a whole year older and I am classified as ''mia's older cousin". It's absolutely humiliating when a cute jock with his letterman jacket and all walks up to me in the middle of nowhere and asks, aren't you Mia's older cousin?

I grabbed ahold of her and weaved my way through the crowd of teenagers. Some made getting through difficult, seeming they were obligated to not let me pass.

As I reached the kitchen and the biter vomit induced  smell hit me I knew  I was in the right place.

Several girls crowded around in a circle throwing up. Yup, vomit central. I placed her among the group and patted her head.

Vomit central is located im almost every party, it's practically a "party-care" for drunk girls. They sit around and puke together. Everyone is smashing in the bathrooms so they all stay here vomiting in what they find: purses, pots, pans, and whatever is around.

I had a mission for myself, to have fun. I walked out of the kitchen and in midst of a bustling crowd I try to make the best if it all. I frown; i am not the best at parties.

All around me, music and laughter is buzzing. I push passed people i will not remember tomorrow and find my way outside. I already needed time to cool off. I closed the door behind me and looked at the huge pool, it's ripples causing the trees to look like monsters dancing around the deck. It's too cold to swim so I watch the water. I breathe in and out trying to catch my breath.

Why can't i be more like Mia. Everyone asks me that. Along from popularity and looks she is sweet, kind, and intelligent.At parties all she does is drink and she tells me that she is herself more when she downs a beer. What if I drink, maybe I could let loose for a change and stop being so awkward.

I got up from my place next to the pool and looked around. I actually managed to find a bottle of beer in an ice chest. My luck huh, Bud Light? All I needed was a bottle opener.

As I scanned the backyard I heard the sound of the back door opening slicing  through my heavy breathing. I dare to turn around and I see him.

It can't believe it, Why is he here? Holy crap who cares. He is here!

He looked amazing in all of his glory. It was hard to take my eyes off of the view of earthly perfection. I would look away then find that I gravitate towards him.

Stuck In The Fanzone    •Mario Selman Fan Fic•حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن