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He had a slight smile playing on his lips, "The boys felt awful, they would like to treat you to dinner"

I could not breath, I smiled contently and he glanced at the girls before him. The girls all except me screamed. I couldn't. I stare at the ground and those damn butterflies made their way to my stomach. Everything has to go perfect, please god. Yeah i know im the biggest fuck up if this century but please let the odds be ever in my favor. Or something like that.

"I'll give you the address" he gave a stern nod looking over his shoulder for any fans.

That's exactly how I ended up sitting in my mom's car pleading to go to this dinner. Although I normally have many absurd questions, this one was something out of hand. Dinner with people i "hardly" know so late at night. It's sounds sketchy, huh? Well i'll bet it all for a glimpse of Mario...again.

"Please" I sputtered out.

My mom glances at me, her grip on the steering wheel is making her knuckles go white.

"Mom, I'm not letting this go" I said smoothly

In must have been the pretentious in my voice or the glossiness in my eyes that convinced her to say yes. She took a sharp turn to the left, and headed straight the restaurant.

"You don't even like Indian food" she grumbles.

I roll my eyes and practicality press my face against the glass. Waiting to see a sign.

My mom pulled up to this very fancy restaurant. I glanced at it for a moment and I got off. I was the last from the girls to arrive and Gabby was seen biting her nails anxiously. Her hair now pulled into a braid.

"When do you think they are coming?" She sighs.

I shrug.

"I have no clue, but either way they should be here soon"

She nods her head and placed her thumb back in her mouth, gross.

I look amongst the group of girls some fixing their makeup and others snap chatting absolutely everything.


Just as the the door opened a bell's chime hung heavily in the air.

Then in walking in Mario.

I kinda stopped paying attention to who else walked in because I was hypnotized when he smiled at me.

Maybe it was the lay he looked in that button up shirt or maybe it was how I couldn't stop picturing that night, but I couldn't form a single hello. 

"Ash," Gabby says.

I shake my head a bit and I smile at her and noticed that I've been now staring at a plant for a while and Mario was not even standing by the door anymore. I tuck my hair behind my  ears I've never felt . It took all of my might not to stare at him, but as he got up from his seat and sat right next to me I was right then and there drooling.

"Hey my name is Mario" he said, putting his hand out.

"I know silly" I said shaking his hand.

He smiles and flips through his menu.

"Sorry it was cancelled" he sighs.

I nod my response and gawk at the boy who sat next to me.


"Favorite foods?" Jovani asks.

Everyone responds and I remain quiet.

Julian notes my quietness, and gives me a sympathetic smile.

"Hey, Ashley how about you ask a question?" He asks.

"Um, sure?" I respond.

Now all eyes are on me and I lick my awfully chapped lips from matte lipstick and purse my lips trying pondering.

"Um, last party you went to?" I ask.

Gabby nods her head in approval, she knows where this is going.

"The last big party the guys and I went to was actually in this city" Geo chuckles.

"Mario, i heard you found a girl. Not trying to sound personal and all but who is she a fan? Or a stranger?" I ask.

Mario stiffened next to me.

"I honestly don't remember, she was pretty hot but might of been the alcohol i got fucked up!" He chuckles.

I hate to be a buzzkill, three years ago on Elleanor's birthday I got my period and was complaining the whole time. Needless to say I ruined her whole party. My eyes begin to glisten out of frustration, this is not him.

"I remember" I said blunty.

He gave me a dazed look and he placed his silverware down.

"Really?" He smirks.

I gulp, oh shit.


YES, twas I!


He narrowed his eyes, "i would remember if it was a fan because I-"

"You don't date fans, i know."

I heard one of the girls scoff, "you were giving me heart eyes all night!"

"You see, i am being polite. Im not flirting" he spat. "There is a difference"

Geo rolls his eyes at Mario, "dude chill out"

Mario's ears redden and he stares at me with everything except positivity.

"Ashley, it wasn't you" he mutters.

"Mario it was!" I confirm.

"Even if it was you, I don't date fans"

I hardly have any clue how i had enough courage to raise my hand and slap him across the face, but I did. I rose from my seat next to him and as he clutch his face.

"Calm down!" Exclaimed Jovani.

I didn't care because i am already leaving and out the door. Then I started walking.

Stuck In The Fanzone    •Mario Selman Fan Fic•Where stories live. Discover now