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I felt fairly out of place in school, but whole while with my friends.Everyone dresses so provocatively, you have to flaunt everything to gain access to the fun of High School or simply be nice as hell. Neither one was really going to work with me.That's also a good thing; I suppose,even if i had a bullhorn no one would pay attention to me.

For Mia she is just herself and everyone loves her for who she is. I only see Mia in the halls, every time I do see her laughing with friends or surrounded by boys,I wave.

While I was walking to Theatre I waved. She didn't wave back, but that was expected.

I lowered my head and weaved my way through the crowded corridors. In theater, Elleanor is usually seated in the top row. Her head nestled in a book and black rimmed glasses resting at the bridge of her nose.

"Morning Elleanor" i call and plop my bag next to her.

She lowers her book which was another Astrology book . I can tell you this, she knows possibly everything about constellations and can point out and name twenty stars in the sky faster than you can say, get a life Elleanor .

"Ashley how was the party?" She asks pushing up her glasses and smoothing her hair.

"Well I met a boy," I laughed.

"Groovy" she nodded in amusement, making me laugh.

I could totally annoy the crap out of her with a witty Mean Girl's Quote but she has not called me Ashlou, Ashtree , or worst of all Ashtrash.

"Groovy really, you just ruined the whole thing. You were so close to not saying stupid 70's slang for one whole week and you blew it. And you were doing so well" I scorned.

Elleanor scoffed and took out her phone, "Guess who left me on read"

I could already hear the same words coming out of her mouth.

"James" she muttered.

I looked at the theft who unintentionally stole the name right out of my mouth. She handed me her phone and I read her message.

'James, what's wrong ' It read, he is seriously a dick.

James is Elleanor's guitar-playing-soccer-player-boyfriend. May god help that boy but his ego has gone sky high.

"Besides all of this James bullshit, you mention a guy" she said in astonishment .

Shit, shit.

"Oh it's nothing" I responded.

Elleanor leaned back in her chair a twisted smile taking shape on her face. She absolutely knew it was something.

"Ashley, I am going to repeat this once more, Who is the guy?" She asked.

My heart thumped heavily in my ears and my cheeks begin to heat. I can never hold my own secret and that is a fact Elleanor knows.

"Ugh fine, but...you promise not to tell anyone?" I asked. "Elleanor this must remain a secret, okay?"

Elleanor bit her lip, she loved hearing gossip. Especially my gossip about boys, knowing I don't really talk to boys. As stupid as it sounds I sort of tense up, but with Mario it was different because I already knew him.

"Fine, fine Ashlick" She teased.

You see, this imbecile has created so many ridiculous nicknames ranging from nicknames about my hair or my inability to bend all of my toes properly.

"Well, at the party I met someone famous," I begin. "I met Mario Selman"

She gave me a dazed look, "He was at a party Saturday, Here in Texas?"

I nodded my head and sit back in my chair as the short and bald-headed teacher walks in.

"I call bullshit

As night rolled in I glanced at his contact on my phone for the thousandth time today and wait for a call of text that I would never receive.

I figured that maybe If i text him I can start a conversation so I type hello.

My thumb hovered over the send button and goes back to typing and rephrasing a proper greeting. After a minute or two of debating over emojis I finally send the message.

Time seems to be a fiend, absolutely mischievous and undeniably the worst enemy of any teenage girl who texted a famous boy who she is irrevocably and stupidly obsessed with.

My phone begin to ring and I secretly hoped that it was Mario, but with my luck it wasn't.

"Hey Elleanor," I mumbled.

"Ashley can I come over?" She asked a sudden break in her voice.

"Of course, but what's wrong?" I said, worry igniting throughout my body.

"I'll see you soon" she said.

Twenty or so minutes later I hear a knock on my door. When she arrived my whole positive ambience I had set for her arrival had been distorted.

"He cheated on me"

I could feel the sorrow in her heart and the damage that boy had done; he had cultivated a warped perception of love.It was bound that Elleanor would arrive at my house blubbering over him eventually. After the warnings i gave her and the many break ups later she finally listened.

In her eyes, usually so luminous, there was no light. There was nothing at all. She had a distant delirious daze, she wiped off the tears that stained her cheeks,looking at the small chandelier above our heads

"I am so sorry " i said lowly.

She had an Illegitimate smile and nodded her head, "i am fine, my heart just hurts a little, but I will be fine"

"Why did he cheat on you?" I asked, leading her up to my room.

She plopped down on my bed and shrugged her shoulders .

"Elleanor don't fret he is not worth your time, life is too precious and short to worry about him"

She looked so fragile with her head in her hands and all I wanted to do was beat the crap out of my best friend's ex. Her fingers shook and all she talking about was interdigitating her hands with his.

"I just miss him a lot" she weeped.

She had a bit of a tussle with me, she refused giving me her phone so I could delete his number. She is just so in love with this idiot that she denies herself real affection. I believe she is addicted to him because her relationship ship was like fire. Luminous and beautiful ,but eventually it begin to burn out and she was just left kindling ashes.

"I'm sorry" i said again.

Two days pass and every time i check my phone I wait for a text or a call. Nothing but imperil connotations afflicted from waiting, but just like what every cliche tumblr quote mentions, "Good things happen to those who wait"

Stuck In The Fanzone    •Mario Selman Fan Fic•Where stories live. Discover now