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I am a terrible person, with an itch to nitpick every situation. Somehow, I couldn't find a single correlation to this scenario.

Maybe he was mistaking me for someone else. 

He has to.

Well, maybe it is me. Could I actually be Mario's real life cinderella? No, impossible. He already saw me and wouldn't believe it was me. Maybe it was the liquor that made him think I was someone else; someone beautiful.

I stared at the boy who's constellation of freckles littered his face in disbelief.

He hung up the phone, I forgot he was still on the phone.

"We looked for you," he said. "Believe me we looked at every Ashley we could find, just about every Instagram page but he couldn't recognize you"

My hands felt clammy at his words

"Mario met me, at a restaurant" i said.

He took a hold of my arm and looked into my eyes, deeply. He looked like he wanted to say something, something important.

He parted his lips slightly and a honk broke his gaze.

"Harrison, what the fuck are you doing?"

A girl with a raspy voice and raven colored hair asked.  Her car was stopped in the middle of the road; her eye brows furred together as Harrison stared agitated at her. 

"Jenny, not now" he mumbled.

Jenny let her lips quiver into a smile as she took note of me.

"I'd better go" she said, urgency laced her voice. "Just do it!"

Harrison's hands balled into a tightly clenched fist, and his knuckles begin to turn white.

"What's wrong with you" i asked, pointing to his fists.

Harrison unclenched his fist and licked his plump bottom lip in urgency.


And there was something wrong, but I didn't ask and but I didn't let him get away.  

"What does she mean just do it?" I asked.

Harrison looked angry and he rolled his eyes.

"You'll find out later"

It was quiet for several minutes and we turned on my street.

"Why later?" I questioned. 

were only four houses away he stopped in his tracks.

"Because" he looked down at his watch. "I have to go, bye"

I wondered what was wrong with harrison, was it Jenny?

I walked the rest of the way just as annoyed as he looked.
Luckily, no one was home and all I wanted to do was flop on the couch and binge watch tv shows.

So I did, for several hours eating whatever junk food that was available.


I froze, silently freaking out at the amount of wrappers that littered around me.

Mother of god, please help me. I wiped of the chocolate off of my face and my mom stood angrily at me.

"Look at this mess, i tried calling you for hours and why didn't you tell me about detention?" She yelled. "Clean this mess and than go to your room!"


Another filler because the juicy details will come in later. Now time to explain myself, i went through a BAD writers block and i was extremely busy. I got a lead role in a play, but that wasn't just it. I just had no inspiration. I had this written down a while ago, than I accidentally deleted that. So, this is a crappy twenty minute chapter. Sorry for the wait. Next chapter is going to be long!!!

Stuck In The Fanzone    •Mario Selman Fan Fic•Where stories live. Discover now