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I got home sweaty, I normally don't run especially in the heat. In the morning it was perfect. Not too cold and not too hot. Give it another hour and you will be panting like a dog.

I took a shower and change into pajamas, although the day just started I am beyond tired. I got out my laptop and searched the web until I received a notification on Instagram.

I picked up my phone and stared at the tag. I was tagged by Gabby. I view the picture and like it. Mario even liked it.


I walk sluggish down the stairs and find my mom at the bottom of the stairs her head in her hands. Im in trouble.

"Yes ma'am?" I mutter.

She lifts up her head from her hands, her face is red.

"Can I have a word with you?" She asks.

I nod my head and follow her into the kitchen and she leans over the counter. I let out a sigh and She stops, seeming to have heard me.

"Listen, I am tired of this" she says sadly, shaking her head.

"What are you tired of?" I ask as nonchalantly I can, trying not to sound like Im freaking out inside.

"I'm sorry baby girl but I'm leaving you and daddy" she says cooly.

I purse my lips, rubbing the back of my neck anxiously. I indignantly curl my fist in a ball, she can't be serious.

"Nah, im kidding but now that you are awake and what not" she smiles. "I decided we should have a girls day"

I looked at her pessimistically and gave a cynical chuckle. Her smile begin to falter and It hits me further than deep bone as her eyes begin to water.

"Ash, we never talk anymore" she frowns.

I put aside my pride for my mother and force a smile.

"Okay, i'll go" I say.

Her eyes light up and she gives me a huge hug, "Get dressed we are going on a hike"

I can not believe what im getting myself into. A hike! I could barely run this morning, now I'm going to hike. Dear, the one day I decide to be athletic and make my haphazard morning routine interesting I am scheduled to do more

I change back into another pair of spandex and a baggy t-shirt. I find my nikes and tie my hair in a ponytail. Now, I guess i'm all set to sweat my ass off.
The only sound is the prominent humming of my mom. It doesn't take an attentive person to diagnose the aurora as blunty awkward.

We walk up the trail, rocks flying as my mom jabs a stick with every step she takes into the pebble pathway.

"Can you pass me something to drink?" I beg.

"Huh, this is a good place to stop and rest momentarily" she stops with the nod of her head.

She places down her backpack with a thud and examines in the view. She takes out a bottle of water and tosses it to me. I open it and immediately chug it down.

"Ashley, why have you been avoiding me? Are you now using drugs" she asked.

My eyes widen and i choke on the water. Coughing I manage to let out, "No!"

She relaxes and lets out a soothing sigh.

"Then tell me what's wrong?" She asks.

"Nothing?" I chuckle.

"Ashley, I am you're mother. I know you better than you know yourself" she narrows her eyes. "Like the fact that you sneak ramon noodles into you're room every night. Is it a boy?"

"No mom" I say, i could no longer avoid the annoyances unconsciously seeping into my tone. "Why do you care so much?"

"It is a boy!" She squeals.

My cheeks heat and I place my hands in my face. Fuck my life.

"Yes its a boy..."

Her smile grows even wider that I fear she may burst.

"Is he cute, or is it just personality?" She questions, leaning closer to me.

I shrug nonchalantly and drink whatever is left inside my bottle. I roll my eyes as she lets out a sigh and wraps her arms around me.

"oH you're sweaty!" She exclaims rubbing my back sweat on her leg.

"Obviously!" I laugh as she squeals.

"Well I'm sure that you don't want to share who this boy is" she chuckles. "I know that one day you might be crying over him and you won't tell me. But Just remember there is a day before him and a day after him. That sometime in the middle will be a blast or a nightmare. But remember people have a reason for everything"

I could not decipher what she meant. Her words stuck with me the whole time back to the car her words were on my mind on replay. Even when I was about to drift of to sleep, I was pondering.

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