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"Mario Selman will be here next week  " I shout.

I cover my face and realize there could be a possibility of me meeting him, again. Not as a fan, but a friend. Maybe alcohol was the thing that kept the real me out. And I can't go smelling like a drunk.

mom arches her eyebrow and takes a long sip of her coffee. The usual thing when she tries to avoid my usual morning rambles.

"Cool" she lets out bluntly.

For god's sake, I wish she could stop copying me sometimes.

"Mom, I am serious can I go see him?" I ask, lathering butter on my toast.

mom looks over at my father who is reading a sports magazine.
Dad looks up and grimaced, totally unaware of what I said," I didn't do anything ?"

mom smacks dad with her hand and he chuckles while drinking the last of his coffee. He swirls the remaining bit amd rolls his eyes.

"You two have the maturity of a mere adolescent!" I shout.

"And who pays the bills, has a job, and currently raising two kids on a teacher's salary? Me. What are you doing Ms. i-have- a-thesaurus?" She narrows her eyes.

"Going to see Mario?" I perk up.

Usually my smart talk gets me no where, but I could not help myself.

"Only if you clean that damn closet, Ashley you are a tornado in there" she says. 

I kiss her cheek and fumble up the stairs and into my room. I open my closet and mount clothes stares down at me. I mentally scorn myself, only if I actually listened and cleaned my closet three weeks ago.

I only have one solution, face time Elleanor, with my luck she is either crying still or yelling at anime characters, I still have no which one is worse.

"Are you serious he died- oh hey Ashicle! Get it because it's cold in here !" She yells at her sister.

I chuckle anxiously seeing tears streaming down her face, maybe its's the anime?

"Ashicle what kind of name is that?" I ask.

She narrows her dark eyes looking dead straight at me.

"A rad ass nickname" she says, not once looking away from her tv.

It gets quiet, not the eerie quietness or the awkward silence. As simple as said it is just quiet. Elleanor and I erupt into laughter momentarily, there is never a dark moment  when you take two idiots and make them best friends. We are the female (and human) version of Spongebob and Patrick. We still have not come to a conclusion on who is who, but I have a feeling we are half of both.

"Mario is coming back!" I exclaimed.

"Well are you gonna see him?" She asks.

I shrug my response and point the camera at my closet.

"THEN GET CLEANING!" She yells and hangs up the phone.

I look at the mountain  of clothing and sigh, my life is currently kicking my ass.

Gradually my room begin to look spotless and my mom entered and exited my room in disbelief. I can finally see the brown carpet.By lunch time I finished and my mom checked my room finding nothing but excitement.

"I'll think about it" is all she said as she exited my room. Why.

The following morning I walk down the stairs a bit angrily, my mom in clear view I let out the longest and deepest sigh ever.She looks up from her coffee, like always taking one short sip, then a long gulp.

"Mom I know i'm a pain in the butt and that I give you some of the biggest migraines ever. I am sorry that I screw up but can I please go? "I ask.

"Sure" she says.

"Please I'm begging- wait really?" I pause.

She nods her head and my dad looks annoyed as ever, seeming that my dad lost yet another battle with my mom.

"Thank you so much!" I exclaim wrapping my arms around her.

Tears gather and I let out a booming laugh for some particular reason, I already met him what's the fuss all about. I had so many emotions rushing through, I did not really know how to feel. I walked outside and sat on the hammock and evaluate my life, wondering why everything has been in my favor.

Stuck In The Fanzone    •Mario Selman Fan Fic•Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя