Pack Mistress - Chapter 2

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Werewolf # 882!! Yay! I've never been happy about numbers before, I hate maths- I'm alright at it but hate it.

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Chapter 2


Kyrie P.O.V.


I'm not sure when I gave up hope, but it was confirmed when I didn't mind that Aiden was the soon-to-be Alpha of Ignis Vitualamen. It was just nice to talk to someone, hear someone speak nicely to me without yelling. He can't change into a wolf, probably not ever. It was truly confirmed when I didn't even consider telling my dad when I got out, because I doubted I ever would.

When you don't get spoken too in weeks, you seriously enjoy the times when someone does. The whole night I was shamefully dissecting everything he said and the way he said it. One word got a lot of attention. "Later." He said it while leaving, it implied he'd be back right?


I winced slightly, being pulled back in to the present. Their beta, Dean, circled me. I stood in the centre of the cage, eyes staring impassively at a crack on the basement wall. Dean pulled a bunch of my hair trying to get a scream, we had just established I wasn't afraid of him anymore.


Werewolves enjoy the fear of their pray. Their beast, the wolf, understands fear and rises to the surface- lust, fear, hunger, all very primal. Dean stopped in front of me, blocking the crack from me- the only entertainment I have. He clamped his fingers around my upper arms, his fingers digging deeply, and deeper still. I glanced down to what I knew I would see. Wolf fur coated the skin on his arms below his elbows and razor shape claws, extended from his human fore arms. I was more impressed than scared, it takes a lot of power to do parcel-shifts. Dean growled bring my attention to his face. Yellow eyes peered out of his silted eyes, I noticed his pointy teeth lined in a row behind his lips. My face remained uncaring.

Why wasn't I afraid? He could kill me any second without a moments hesitation. No one would stop him, or could stop him, even if they'd cared enough to do so. I'd die alone in a cage, my family wondering what became of me. A jolt of fear coursed up my spine which started my heart pounding and I felt tingles spread across my skin. I really didn't want to die alone- except, the guy who killed me would be there, though I wouldn't want his company.


Dean grinned in triumph, flashing a mouth full of shark like fangs. He thought he owned the fear, and I let him believe it. He left after that, taking the plate that once held some bread and a cup for water. The more powerful a werewolf, the less likely he is to loose control. Dean didn't need to go any further than a little bit of fear. Mainly the newest guys uses me for sex, the sixteen to nineteen year olds who aren't great at control yet. Even still, it had only happened three times in two weeks. Usually a really good make out session would calm the beast- nothing like the threat of death to set the mood, I thought sarcastically.


I flopped on to my bed and carried on my riveting activity, before I was rudely interrupted. I found the crack on the wall and stared; imagined pictures within the flaking white paint. I heard the door quietly slide open, and slowly shut. Aiden made his way down the stairs but stopped before the last one. He reached out to touch the wood of a singing fish painting. And did something peculiar, he knocked. "Can I come in?"

I laughed, remembering my 'Don't you ever knock?' comment. "Sure." I chuckled. "But make sure your shoes are clean, I run a pretty tight ship when it comes to cleanliness." I said sarcastically looking around at the dust, the mud and blood marks on the floor as well as the torn up furniture. He snorted, and sat on the chair he had used last time.

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