Pack Mistress - Chapter 6

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Sorry it took me so long- I'm back from my mini-holiday though! The wedding was great! :D    

Chapter 6

Aiden P.O.V.

All hail the new king, our Alpha...yeah right!

Since Dean took over the role of Alpha, for the rest of the pack, nothing much has changed. But for us, the last Alpha family, it was humiliating. We were forced into doing the menial tasks of our pack. More then once I had witnessed the other pack members, as their eyes slid past us as if they themselves were ashamed to see the once all powerful Blakes' doing degrading tasks like washing dishes.

My mom spends her days feeling distraught over dad's death, I try to hold it together for her but I miss him too, I still see his last moments replayed in my mind in my sleep.

The first night after dad died, I went to Kyrie. I woke up the next morning and, of course, I had to be awkward and bolt out of there. But then the next night I stayed again, and ended up sleeping in her basement, I'm surprised I hadn't been caught there yet. I guess it doesn't matter anymore- there's no more pressure on me to be Alpha. I'm still not sure how I feel about that yet.

Night three of Dean's rule. I'm surprised he hasn't done anything worse. He's only been tormenting us; mom and I. Bell has remained unscathed, and I'm so thankful that all my little sister has to worry about is Princess Meg's new hairstyle. Sure, she asks about dad but she doesn't understand yet.

I watched with tired eyes as clothes rolled around in the washing machine, the constant thunking of the machine keeping me from sleep. I resisted the urge to slap myself awake.

"Just do the one more load." I told myself. "And then you can go and sleep in the basement with Kyrie." I promised myself and got back to work in the mansion that was once my own.

Oh, how the mighty have fallen...

Kyrie P.O.V.

His hands trembled over my skin. I felt a trill of fear as I felt his beast float to the surface, his kiss became more frantic as his skin pulsed with magic energy.

Will this be it?

Will he change on top of me- shred my skin off my bones?

I lay on my bed, fully clothed, a nineteen year old werewolf on top of me fighting for control over his beast. It's how they learn, they try to take as little of me as possible to show more control over their beast- therefore stronger.

Then he started shivering violently, he rolled off me, landed on the floor with a thunk. He lay in a heap; a human heap. Brownie point for him; I'm not dead!

He got up and left, minus one thank you. Not like I cared, I hadn't even asked his name. The door opened for someone to enter. Another customer? The group of woman that walked down proved my assumption wrong. They were here to make me 'prosentable'.

Every two days they would first, drench me with water -despite common belief, prisoners sometimes get hot water- and scrub my body with soap, peculiarly while I still wore my dress. They then drench me again, just to add shampoo to my hair to, you guessed it, drench me again.

Twenty minutes later I'm squeaky clean and ready for any gentleman caller; probably their gentlemen, but if they allow their men to sleep with other woman it's fine with me.

Well, at least in till I became that woman.

I got up from the bed, as they came in. The woman talked to themselves as if I wasn't there, as usual. But it was unusual that the ladies should ignore a woman with them. The blonde woman kept her eyes down as she brushed through my hair. I could see her out of the corner of my eye, so when she looked up I saw them. Her eyes; her blue eyes. The eyes of Adien. His mother maybe? But why would she be down here? I know she's no longer the Alpha mother of the pack- but she wouldn't be down here with me, that's just insulting. For an ex member of an Alpha family to be made to associated with a Pack Whore is just disrespectful.

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