Pack Mistress - Chapter 4

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Hi Wattpader's, hope your having a great day!! :D

Chapter 4

Kyrie P.O.V.

The worse kind of torture isn't the imprisonment or the forced sex, it's watching Aiden not tell me something. He was silent yet again, thinking about something that distressed him. His brow creased, then he shook his head and asked if I wanted him to sneak down some food.

"I'd rather you'd tell me why your so upset." I glanced at him sideways, and saw the surprise on his face.

"What gave me away? The fact that I wasn't hogging the conversation." He joked.

"Is it something you want to get off your chest?" I asked cautiously, I didn't want to push him, but I didn't want him unhappy either.

He shook his head as a decline. "In that case, I'll have a muffin."

He laughed for the first time today, and it was my prize. "How did you know we have muffins?"

"I could smell your mom making them." I groaned. "They smelt so good I almost went all Incredible Hulk and broke the bars." I chuckled at his sceptical look.

"Well never fear, Superman is here to save the day and bring you back a muffin." He teased while getting up from his chair.

"Can Superman get me a chocolate one?"

"Superman says; you get what you get, you ungrateful Hulk." He mocked annoyance as he left.

"Superman would just get me a chocolate one." I mumbled bitterly. Aiden's chuckle told me he heard.

I wondered again if he was just sad about it being to full moon, but he was going with his pack, in a day, to the tree of Anus Vita. Why would that make him upset?

I grinned when Aiden returned, with chocolate muffin in hand. "Ah, my hero!" I said while he passed the muffin through the bars.

"So um." I tensed at the serious tone. "Since no one will be coming down here this close to the full moon, do you mind if my little sister spends the night here- she's Bell, just in till we get back from 

Anus Vita then she can leave."

"Sure." I said instantly, my eyebrow creased in confusion.

What in the hell could make him want to revile he's secret, the fact he's been coming down here, to a member of his family?

Aiden P.O.V

The knots in my tummy eased slightly when Kyrie agreed. My sister, Bell, is a possible target for Trevor, with the full moon almost here I didn't what him trying to hurt me through Bell, and accidentally kill her because of raised anger levels this close to the full moon. He wouldn't look for her here, and Kyrie is safe at least in till the full moon is over.

I left her shortly after, Kyrie has become a irreplaceable element in my life. Our indefinable relationship is very important to me. I can admit that to myself. And I wont let Trevor harm her in any way.

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