Pack Mistress - Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


Aiden P.O.V.


Dark anticipation rose from the waiting werewolves. I felt their beasts stir within human bodies, my father stood tall. I have faith in him. Unshakable faith. Sure, I've never witnessed Deans' strength, being on the outside of the pack, but my dad is like a god to me. He can't die, therefore he will win.


All the men and mom moved back- mom found me and put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. We all stared out into the clearing, at dad and Dean. Dean almost looked as if he were seething, but my dad looked at back with grim finality- he didn't want to hurt his childhood friend but it had to be done. I'm sure Dean had a different take on that whole 'childhood friend' thing.


Dean charged, wolf claws extended from human arms. Inches before striking, dad crouched and tackled Dean from the waist and sent him flying. To his credit, Dean rose quickly. A few of the new wolves on the outer edge of the clearing, started shifting form because of the excitement of the match, their screams cut the chilly air. Dad sprinted to Dean, and transformed into a wolf midstride -like only my dad could do- and landed on the man and pushed him back to the floor. Dean screamed as a paw landed on his face. I heard the nose break from here, dad jumped back and regained his defence prostitution across the clearing. He could of carried on attacking, dad could of killed Dean- but he retreated. Dad didn't want to kill Dean, but Dean wanted to kill dad. His kindness just might get him killed.


Kyrie P.O.V.


Bell spun around, her pink dress flowing out with the movement. I sat on my chair inside the cage- I knew the door was unlocked but I felt nervous about leaving into the space around the cage. I spotted the doll lying on the floor, I picked her up. She has lemon blonde hair and slush puppy blue eyes, she wore a pink princess dress. "That's Princess Meg." Bell said, while smiling- showing dimples, the same way Aiden does when he grins.

"Sorry, your highness." I said to the doll. "I didn't mean to man handle royalty." I apologised to the little doll.

"Meg forgives you." Bell aloud.

"How come you get to call a princess by her real name?" I said in mock astonishment.

"Because I'm a Princess too, I'm Princess Bell!" She called out with a smile. "Would you like me to make you a princess too?" She asked, which made me smile, of course I said yes.

Apparently being a princess is a big responsibly- and she spent hours teaching me about my new duties as a princess. Who knew being fake royalty could be so fun?


Aiden P.O.V.


Dean struggled up, looking more hurt then he should of been, how hard was dad's hit? But Dean also took up a defence stand. One of them would have to attack, this time Dean chose to jog forward, no longer the speedy advance. Dad's face held sympathy for his friend, a little guilt, and that's when it happened. When Dean charged him, the 'weak' thing must of been an act, dad didn't have enough time to defend himself. Dean was on him- in the form of a wolf, clawing, biting, blood spurted everywhere and mom made a sound- I turned to face her, with her wide eyes and deathly pale face, I pulled her face into my shoulder to hide her from the sight.


Dad had to get up, didn't he? He's my dad, he's suppose to win. But Dean just kept clawing, dad's half human claws tried to strike back- but each attempt was weaker then the last. Dean howled, and ripped into the flesh of my dad's skin. Other werewolves joined in, chewing and gnawing- this is the way of any werewolf pack.

I turned from the scene, to mom, but her eyes were yellow -though females don't own beasts, they still have hunger for flesh. I turned from her. If she was going to get all hungry for flesh and start to eat dad, I didn't want to see it.


No one here was human, I was the only one who didn't want to munch on my dad. Without another thought, I ran. I ran in the direction of home, of Kyrie.

I feel angry at everyone; my dad for being too caring, Dean for being underhanded, my entire pack and it's death-obsessed ways!


I, luckily, avoided all the woman and children, and bolted down to the Pack Whore basement. The memories of my father- torn and broken- marked my mind like blood stains.


Kyrie P.O.V.


Aiden busted in, he kicked his metal chair, sending it flying. I whispered in Bells ear, "go upstairs sweetheart. Make sure you take Princess Meg, she would miss you if you left her." Then after she grinned, and left the basement, I turned to a shaking Aiden. I had never seen him like this. I hesitated, what should I do? I had seen his hurt, happiness, his worry, his caring nature, but never his anger.


That barrier that prevented me from touching him before seemed to break down. I walked determinedly towards him, his eyes squeezed shut. I touched both sides of his head, my hands caressing his face. "Aiden" I whispered to get him to open his eyes. He sighed softly, his breath brushing along my face, and he opened his eyes slowly to me.

He must of expected me to ask what was wrong, because he blinked when I told him to sit down. My hands moved to his shoulders, as I directed him to my bed. He sat down in dazed shock. He needed comforting, not questioning, so I lay his head in my lap, and he shifted till he was more comfortable. My hands absently stocked his hair, I watched his face, his eyes were closed but he wasn't asleep, but he seemed a lot more relaxed.

"Kyrie?" He asked as if he weren't sure I was here.

"Yes." My voice mirrored his whisper.

"Aren't you going to ask?"

"Do you want to tell?" I asked, while resting my head on his shoulder as I curled around him- almost protectively.

"No." And he meant it.

"Then go to sleep," I said sweetly. "You look like shit." I said in the same voice.

He snorted, then moved till he was even closer to me, on the brink of sleep.


A small smile painted my lips and I continued to stroke his hair. He had come to me. Of all the people in his life, he was upset and came to me, even though we might of been 'fighting'. Most of the time our relationship is pretty light, but it's good to know he trusts me.


I wondered again about the fight. Why was he upset? Was it because of Marcus being in his house? My hand stilled in the softness of Aiden's hair, that was the first time I had thought of Marcus. Shouldn't I be constantly missing him like they do in movies? Wherefore art thou Romeo stuff?

But the truth is, I missed Aiden -while he was out for a few hours- more then I did Marcus in the weeks since this whole kidnapping thing.


I looked at Aiden again, the face I had watched grow to trust me. His smile, his heart, his humour, his caring nature, his dark fears of his fathers disappointment, all of it. I loved it all, I love it all. In the weeks I've been here, I've fallen for the next Alpha of Ignis Vitualamen pack. I love him.

I'm in love with Aiden.


Ah, young love! Too cute.

I can't upload for a bit (going to a wedding abroad) so stay with the story, and I'll upload soon!

The next chapter is really eventful! And so sweet!

Comment/Vote/Fan - Please!!!!!!!!!!!

Much Love,



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