Pack Mistress - Chapter 14

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Sorry, this chapters a little short, but I uploaded quicker than I would normally :D

Enjoy, I hope...

Chapter 14


Aiden P.O.V.


The full moon called to me. It was such a strange sensation; I was aware of the moon drifting from behind clouds as a constant pressure.

Ever since the partial shift, I've been afraid of it appearing to me, whispering its dark thoughts. And now the beast is the most present in my head it's ever been.

It is, after all, the night of the Silvia Amimus.

Kyrie P.O.V.


Marcus has skilfully avoided me all day. What did he think I was going to do? Hyponasties him to jump off a cliff?! I'm the same Kyrie I've always been. Besides, I don't want to control him. I don't want to control anyone. This werewolf-commanding thing has to be kept control of, I can't enslave any other wolves- so no more asking people to do anything. I can do that, I just have to be careful.

Everyone in our pack is angry at the Ignis Vitualamen pack. They feel cheated that they can't avenge my kidnapping, I'm their Alpha's daughter, they need me safe and alive. When my dad ordered them to not hurt anyone from the

Ignis Vitualamen pack, I was in awe of my mother. She may not be able to hypnotises dad, but she sure knows how to get her own way.

Nightfall creped up, and most of our pack readied to leave; excluding two Elder woman who must stay behind to look after the children. Most females coming today have never been to the tree of Anus Vita, I have only because I'm soon-to-be-Alpha.

Hypocritically, I had been avoiding my dad. He was bound to want to talk with me about my development in power. So, I held a low profile while we spilled out into our garden leading to the woods.

"Kyrie!" A voice called out, and I instantly recognised it as my fathers. Dang! Any thoughts of calming amnesia were crushed as my father spotted me within the crowd. Double dang!

I marched up to him, seeing no other option.

"Kyrie, we need to stay up front. We must lead as the Alpha family." Dad said while stretching out his arms. My eyebrows kitted together, he'd never asked me to lead with him before. Then bitter realisation hit- this was because of the Marcus incident.

"I can't!" I stated. If Aiden saw me with my father he might suspect something. I've still not given up on the idea of moving to his pack, after Dean is rejected, I can move there and Aiden never need know.

"Why not?" If dad was anyone but my father, I would of sworn he sounded hurt.

"I-I can't because I don't want to see them." I improvised. "I don't want to be near theIgnis Vitualamen pack, they kidnapped me remember?!" I finished quickly, hating that I tainted their name in my fathers mind.

Success. He gave a sharp nod and I shuffled to the back of the group while others buzzed about unrelated topics. The cold air around our circle couldn't reach us. Werewolves are hotter than normal humans, so as we huddled together, heat radiated off us.


As long as a war doesn't start between the two packs, our pack will be pretty uninvolved. So our werewolves didn't seem to be bother by the outcome of tonight's judgment, unlike the Ignis Vitualamen pack would be, I'd assume.


When my father gave the signal, the pack followed his super speed sprint into the forest. We ran in order of class, I ran along side the middle-class. Their sprint was more like a speed walk, I knew I could run faster then all of them put together, but I held back and mimicked the others.

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