Pack Mistress - Chapter 13

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WOW, this is one short chapter, :( Sorry!

I'll be uploading more often as I'm on holiday :D!!! Can I get a whoop whoop?!!!

Chapter 13


Aiden P.O.V.


The mansion buzzed with hope. From what I can gather, all of the pack is against Dean being Alpha. He was a good Beta, he enforced law and order, but my father controlled him to prevent him from making reckless decisions. Without his influence, Dean is making our lives miserable.

Most conveniently forget that he could be our Alpha for definite. But our wolves have faith in the tree of Anus Vita and trust he isn't worthy as Alpha.

I don't have that kind of belief that he won't be accepted, it's a tree after all, it allowed my father to die. He was the perfect Alpha.

How all powerful can it be?


I wondered again about Kyrie. She would be standing with the Glacies Luna pack, the same group of people I've been raised to hate.

No matter how much I try, I can't connect the Glacies Luna pack with Kyrie. In my mind, she's Kyrie, this amazing and beautiful girl I love, to her pack, she's a fellow Glacies Luna.


I wonder how she will look to me, at the Silvia Amimus, will she appear as an enemy of our pack, or the girl I love?

Kyrie P.O.V.


The night of the next full moon. The Silvia Amimus will be held and the treaty will be renewed, or Dean will be rejected. I've never seen this ceremony before, but from werewolf history books have taught us, it's fairly simple.

The tree of Anus Vita is the burial ground of local werewolves, but also their sprits reside on the ground -or so is the legend. Any new Alpha of a new blood line would need to first, pay respects (by pasting their blood to the tree, then offer his/her soul for the tree to judge), though -to the younger generations- this all seems a little far fetched. That said, we've all witnessed a once normal man turn into a fuzzy wolf.

Scepticism isn't a luxury any member of our extended (wolf) family can afford.


After the respects have been paid, the rest of the story gets suspect. I've heard that the tree is shot by lighting for a no, another story is that the tree devoirs the Alpha, or even that werewolf skeletons rise up and attack the Alpha.

Could you blame our ignorance? The Blake's and the Moore's have been Alpha's for generations. I doubt anyone knows what they're doing tomorrow night- the night of the next full moon.


I flicked through a magazine. Usually I would be at school by ten in the morning, but since my return from Ignis Vitualamen packs' base, dad's forbidden me from school as well as work. It took me years to get him to let me join the other werewolf kids in going to school, but since I was the Alpha child, I needed to be home tutored.

He told me I could enter in high school if I learned all werewolf-related knowledge early on. I studied werewolves and was allowed into high school, but now he's pulled me out. I didn't have a group of friends, I communicated with the normal students well, and I was really liked by everyone- I drifted from group to group just having a laugh.

I worked at a fast food place, though it's not like I needed the money, I wanted to feel insignificant. Not a soon-to-be-Alpha of a powerful pack, but a high scholar.

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