Pack Mistress - Chapter 15

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Hey Wattpaders!

I'm back from the edge of the world -okay it was a funeral in the middle of nowhere ¬_¬- and I've missed you! I'm seriously jet-lagged and my so called "friends" just dropped off 2 weeks worth of school homework for me to do, but what am I doing? I'm upload on Wattpad, high 5 for the dedication to you :D

Chapter 15

A silence so pure filled the clearing, the howls instantly stopped at the sound of my challenge- this is what they wanted. Our ancestor want me to be Alpha, wanted the Blake's to be Alphas.

Dean struggled up onto two legs, he looked at me with piteous eyes, but I bowed to him -and after a moments hesitation- he followed suit.

And then I let go.

The beast which I have held back for days, which has call for me to attack even my most loved ones, was free. The energy filled me, like a slow heat through my veins, that seemed to pulse with the beat in time with the moon. Then I exploded in fire, but I can't say it was painful. It was more like an intense version of stretching, almost pain almost pleasure. My body contorted and flexed muscles I had never used before, I felt the energy shoot up my spine to explode with such force that I was left reeling on the ground on all fours.

I panted from the effort, my long tongue hanging out my mouth.

In this world of wolf, there was nothing, and there was everything.

There was sounds and sights in disorientingly high focus.

A need for the hunt.

To hunt with a pack, to feed together.

A hunger for blood.

The freedom of the woods.

A freedom without emotions; like hate, anger, fear or even love.

I thought for a moment, tried to remember who I loved, what her name was... I couldn't think. My mind couldn't think the word. Couldn't remember the word, the name.

That part, was the nothing I felt in this wolf world, no love.

A sense I didn't know I had, or one I could barely feel as a human, told me to move. I darted left, my four legs -and claws- digging into dirt and cloth (the tatter cloth from my abandoned clothes).

A grey wolf pounced were I was standing a moment before. A growl ripped though my throat -without my consent- as Dean scurried round to face me. I felt the power of rage rush through me and fill me like I were possessed. All the times I had restrained myself around him burst into flames as I launched myself at him. We fought in a flurry of snapping jaws and racking claws. Dean was the first to break the attacking frenzy as he scampered back. If his wounds were any indication, I was winning, though I couldn't be sure if I looked even worse then him- and the reason I wasn't feeling much pain was due to true severity of those injuries- I couldn't tell.

Dean changed back into a human, and I tried to do the same. I stopped, breathed deeply, and pushed the wolf back- he moved down more willingly given the fresh blood on his muzzle. Though, I was still frustrated to find the wolf (my beast) still there -and very present- I breathed though and eventually felt the pull of my mussels into my human form. I stared at the cowering Dean, from my human six-foot-something, and he looked so pathetic I felt a little sorry for him.

The Alpha rose to his feet, fell back again, then stood in a slow rise. I watched from twenty feet away as he hobbled closer. But the image brought out a memory that burnt away any and all pity. I forced the hatred to die in my eyes and let the same pity show in my eyes, and when he was but five feet away- he sprinted, then lunged.

I ducked and scurried back to where he had stood at the start of his I'm-weak-and-pathetic act and before Dean could even recover from his failed attack- I was sprinting to him, I called to the wolf and he came to me. I changed mid run and pounced on him.

The memory that burnt my mind was this...

Dean struggled up, looking more hurt then he should of been, he chose to jog forward, no longer the speedy advance. Dad's face held sympathy for his friend, a little guilt, and that's when it happened. When Dean charged him, the 'weak' thing must of been an act, dad didn't have enough time to defend himself. Dean was on him- in the form of a wolf, clawing, biting, blood spurted everywhere and mom made a sound- I turned to face her, with her wide eyes and deathly pale face, I pulled her face into my shoulder to hide her from the sight.

I said the last words Dean would ever hear in a clear, cold voice. "My dad was ten times the Alpha you ever were or could of been. I could only wish to be half of what he was-" I hissed. "But I'm afraid I don't quite have my fathers sympathy."


Kyrie P.O.V.

Aiden whispered something to the crumpled body of Dean, and then in an impossibly fast time, he transformed back into a wolf. I watched the wolf of my beloved with awe. He was beautiful, with soft brown fur you could just imagine running your fingers through. The brown of his fur was broken up by shots of white and black, making him distinguishable from other wolves. Black tendrils of fur travailed around his eyes, the most purest amber, and streak up the centre of his forehead. I watched him as he clawed and bit into Dean, and dedicated his markings to memory. I watched Aiden move with graceful and precise deadly movements that had me thinking he was born for this, born to be a wolf, but not in the biological sense but spiritually.

Aiden moved from the dead body of Dean, he stumbled forward in wolf form. And just like that, the people of his pack (the few that were brave enough to stay) came forward holding the robe that Dean had brought along for after his own victory, and placed it over the shoulders of a tuckered out Aiden.

He whined slightly and slipped back into human form, he wrapped the robe round his lower half, as the Ignis Vitualamen pack embraced him with open arms.

I remembered the first day we met, he told me about him being an a-soon-to-be-Alpha but hadn't yet changed. Months later and here he was, a true werewolf, and an Alpha. I felt pride fill me as I gazed at my true love, his eyes shot up to mine and a heart warming smile broke out on his face like a sun rise. I grinned wildly back and his eyes shone with triumph. I sped over the fallen branches to Aiden and he quickly opened his arms as I hurdled into him. I crashed into his shirtless body and felt the slight indentation of his abs as we tightly embraced. He suddenly laughed and spin me around, which had me giggling as he set me down. I was practically jumping up and down with adrenaline and joy.

In till I heard a voice...

"Kyrie Isabella Moore!" My dad bellowed, and I could feel the blood drain from my flushed face as I froze under my full name. I didn't move a mussel and just watched as Aiden's face fell and I wondered if my eyes could possibly as wide as his. I breathed shallow breathes as I slowly turned to my dad as though he were some deadly animal.

And he was, he's a werewolf.

"Da-aad." I stuttered out in a panic, forgetting his presence here (as well as the few of our pack who stayed).

"Home." He yelled in Alpha-voice. "Right now!"

I watched all the confused faces of Aiden's new pack. One question in their eyes, "Why was a member of the Glacies Luna pack hugging our new Alpha?"

I shot Aiden a sympatric glance, to say "looks like we're both in shit, Hon" but his shock stopped me in my face-swopping tracks. His eyes read "Why the hell did you just call the Alpha of the Glacies Luna pack, dad!?" The horror of the moment struck me like a train.

I scurried off to my dad with my methodical tail between my legs.

In one foul swop, my life, and the shit, hit the fan...


Poor Kyrie, but cool for Aiden- Alpha Aiden :D I wonder how Aiden's going to handle the news about Kyrie being next in line as his enemy.




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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Dec 04, 2011 ⏰

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