Pack Mistress - Chapter 3

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This Chapter's shorter than the others, but I'll upload soon, Comment, Vote, ect 

Chapter 3

Kyrie P.O.V.

I enjoy Aiden's visits more than I'm willing to admit, but with the full moon almost upon us, the house is full and sneaking away becomes harder for him. Aiden told me, he had to go with his family to the tree of Anus Vita. It's the place mid way between our territories, this is sacred land and disrespecting the land is a sin. The land is where all our dead are buried, the bones of our brothers and sisters, and they hold power. They serve us, by giving us power, and one day we'll all be buried there to serve other generations. Anus Vita is also where the new wolves go, to pay respects and be welcomed in to the brotherhood.

It must hurt to watch younger member of the pack change and not change yourself, I would voice my pity to Aiden, but we barely talk about serious things. Still, I know when something bothers him, though I don't mention it to him, he'd just go all macho on me. I'm a man- I don't get upset I just do press ups and spit...well he doesn't say that but you know what I mean.

Aiden P.O.V.

It happened a week ago, while celebrating Trevor's (our beta's son) 16th birthday, he changed for the first time. He had been sixteen for a matter of hours, and he changed. He just started screaming, then rolled to the floor, and just like that, he was a big grey wolf. Bitterness occupied my ever thought.

I walked sullenly to the study huts, were we get tutored by older pack members, the classes are small and only have werewolves attending, obviously. I heard the younger Glacies Luna pack members go to school with normal kids, as they socialize more with the outside more, I've always wanted to go to school with normal kids, even more so since I didn't change at sixteen. I was so wrapped in my thoughts, I practically jumped a mile when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Trevor. He grinned at me. "Hey Aiden." He said conversationally. Just when I think that kid can't get any creepier, he does something like be nice...I mentally told myself off. I'm just jealous, it's childish but true.

"Hi Trevor, what's up?" I asked is a pleasant tone.

"Nothing, I just need help to move some gym equipment."

"Alright." I said and we both walked in silence to the court yard were we all just had Gym. I decided to move one of the weight racks, and planned to wheel the heavy- two ton weight to the storage room, but he came and lifted the whole thing with off. Is that why I'm here? So he can boast about being a werewolf?

"Trevor, why am I here?" I asked, the edge of anger creeping into my voice.

He shrugged, "I figured, since I'm sixteen now, we may as well start the war."

"What war?"

"The war between, you and me." He said as if it were clear.

"We're not warring..." Is this guy insane?

"Of course we are, to be pack leader, to be Alpha, your dad and mine are warring. And now so are we." He said with the same innocent conviction.

"I'm not staring a war with you."

"But it's already started."

"What have you done?" My tone lowered in frustration.

"The easiest way to break you, would obviously be your lack of strength. But, it's too easy that way. So I'm targeting your heart. The ones you love, or the one you love." He spoke as if he were some cunning fox.

"Leave my family alone, do you hear me?" I was past mad now. "My dad wouldn't stand for it."

"I'm not going after your family, are you familiar with the Pack Whore?" He asked, the innocents false this time. My stomach twisted, Kyrie.

"I don't know what your talking about." Please leave her alone, I mentally added.

"And," He continued as if not interrupted. "As far as your dad is concerned, he wouldn't do anything about this, 'cause it's very within my rights as a werewolf.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned, getting tired of his games.

"And here I thought you were a worthy opponent," he said teasingly as he moved forward till he was a foot away. "Think about it, since I'm a new werewolf, I'm going to need you little Pack Whores time more than anyone else. I may spend every night with our fair child of Glacies Luna." He added wistfully.

My head blurred with images of him with Kyrie; this cruel adolescent with my personal angel with her soft skin and quick wit. The word 'our' burned my mind, she's mine more then she will ever be his.

My fist clenched, and I saw it punch him, I didn't recall myself ordering the movement. But I'd do it again. I'd put up a wall in my mind, not allowing myself to think about werewolves using Kyrie and he forced me to see.

Forced me to retaliate in this war. Because if he touches Kyrie, it would be worth getting into a war to make him pay.


Ahhhhh, he's so cute getting mad about anyone touching Kyrie against her will!

Vote, Commet, Fan, you know the drill *cheeky little wink*

Much Love,



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