day #2

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I sighed, waking up slowly to see the sun up already. I heard Kakashi walking around the room as if looking for something, I turned over and sighed

"Hey, Lily?" Kakashi asked, I opened my eyes slightly.

"Hmm?" I asked looking at him, he had his hand over his face

"You should get up, it's like 11:30" he muttered, I sighed

"Do I have to?" I whined sleepily, he glanced at me and nodded

"Yeah" Kakashi whispered. I looked at him

"Why are you covering your face?" I ask sleepily, curious bout what he was hiding from me

"Habit" he stated, i looked at him as he turned back around to me and stuck the sticky tape to my forehead. I blushed as he crossed his arms, his mask now pulled up.

"You wanted me to circle them didn't you?"

"Oh.. Right" I say taking the sticky tape and note from my forehead. He had circled the name mimi for the girl's and Toshiro for the boy's

"Cool. Thanks!" I say smiling as he hands me my drawings. I blushed taking them from his grasp and looking at them.

"I like it" I say smiling as I look to him.

"Well I'm bored" kakashi stated putting his book down, I smiled..

"Wanna go explore? I've been wanting to ever since he first arrived!" I asked excitedly. Kakashi shrugged

"If you want we can" I nodded and climbed down, i was about to step on the second last step of the ladder when I slipped, 'shit' I thought as I waited for impact. I opened my eyes and looked down.

"How the-"

"Be Careful next time would you?" Kakashi asked, I looked up and stared at him. His left eye closed.

"Why is your left eye closed?" I asked. 'Wait I should know that! Idiot! It's his sharingan!'

"Shouldn't you know that? You are a Naruto fan aren't you?" I blushed...


"Well it's my sharingan. You should know that, I mean look at your shirt" I blushed as he pointed at my shirt.

"I-I know..." I shuttered slightly. He then put my down and sighed

"Come on then" he stated throwing on a zip up hoodie. I blushed a little as I put my Naruto hoodie on, I then followed him out, we walked past some of the other dorms, I suddenly heard groaning and yelling. Kakashi smirked as we walked

"Keep quiet" he whispered I nodded and he knocked on the boys dorm

"Hey boys? Might want to keep all those wonderfully sexual noises at a certain noise level! Don't want the girls thinking your gay!" Kakashi spoke in a loud voice, I couldn't help but start to laugh as the boys started screaming or freaking out, kakashi caught up to me quickly and chuckled

"Why did you do that?" I asked, he gave me a bored look
making me blush

"To have some fun" he said smirking. Kakashi chuckled at me, I smiled a little hands in my jackets pockets. Geez this is awkward

"So.. How long have you been teaching at my school for?"

"Bout a year now, I teach your older sisters class" he muttered smiling at me as we explored the camp.

"Okay.." I say slowly, it was about 6:30 when we got back to our dorm, kakashi was reading like he usually did.

"Are those books interesting?"

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