Night #10

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"Four?" Kakashi questioned, I nod

"David is the oldest, Piper the second oldest, me and my brother Mike are next then it's Sam" I explain sighing, "Mike's my twin brother"

"Twin?" Kakashi asked, I nod. Smiling. I then looked to the face of my twin brother

"He died a few months ago in car collision, he was in the middle of it" I whisper. "David left home when I was 1 he's like 5 years old then piper so.." I whisper sighing.. Kakashi looked at me and sighed

"Where is he now?"

"How am I supposed to know? The man hated me as soon as I was born" I muttered

"All of them but Sam hate me for being the apparent cause of mike's death, every little bad thing that happens to my family it's always blamed on me. Saying I'm bad luck and I only cause everyone trouble" I whisper sighing. "I stay away because of those lies I've been told as a kid" I whisper sighing, Kakashi then pulled to him, arms around my waist

"Your not trouble..." He whispers

"Another thing they hate me for, Piper hates me for driving her best friend away from her, David was her best friend and older brother, apparently I drove him away with my stupid face or something like that" I whisper, see my oldest brother David absolutely hated me the moment he saw me in our mothers arms, my mother thought I was special but no one else did, they all adored Mike, but Mike never left me alone, we were inseparable until the day he was killed. Two cars had ran into him, he died in hospital.. It hurt me so much that I ran away from home and was badly punished.. Leaving the 20 most recent scars.. Two on my neck, 5 on my legs and 5 on my arms... And 8 on my torso and back. It didn't hurt as much as it usually was because I was crying.. I would cry a lot.. David hates me, Piper hates me, my dad hates me, my teachers hate Me. Minori hates me, my classmates hates me. Everyone except... Sam, Riley and.... "Kakashi..." I said outloud making him look at me

"Yeah?" He asked, I blushed and chuckled nervously

"Oh uh... Nothing I was just thinking..."

"Hmm-" he was interrupted by Minori who suddenly grabbed me by the shirt and pulled me back, I landed on the floor with a flood thud as Minori glared at me

"THATS IT!" She shouts, looking around and grabbing my bow and arrows, aiming the arrow at me. I stared at her wide eyed.
"YOU DONT FUCKING TRY TO TAKE MY BROTHER AWAY FROM ME YOU LITTLE SLUT! WHY DONT YOU DIE LIKE YOUR STUPID MOTHER AND FUCKING DICK HEAD OF A BROTHER?!" Minori shouted angrily, she then got ready to fire when it was suddenly pushed down and her head was hit forward making her stumble forward and trip over my leg, she then landed face first onto the wooden floor.. I looked back at the girl wide eyed.... 'Who the hell-...' I looked back to where she had been standing to see Kakashi, a very deadly aura coming from him.

"Oh.. " I whisper... Staring at him, he looked like he was about to kill his sister... "Over protective much...." I say to myself, his gaze then snapped to me making me flinch.. He then crouch down and pressed his lips against mine.. Completely disregarding his sister. I looked at him with shocked eyes.. I then pushed him back by the shoulders and sighed

"Kakashi.. She's been laying there for a while.."

"I don't care" he growled, pulling me back to him, my head resting on his shoulders as he kept me close. I blushed a little as I heard Minori groan.. She then looked back at me, Kakashi then sighed and suddenly kissed me making me gasp, Minori stared wide eyed... Tears wetting her eyes like crystals shining in the sunlight..

"N-Nii-San?" She shuttered, Kakashi then glared at his sister and released me from his hold and sighed

"Minori. You aren't to hurt Sayuri again... Got it?" He growled, Minori began to cry, tears streaming down her face..

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