Night #6

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Kakashi and I had been walking for about 2 hours just causing mischief.. I started run. Making him laugh

"Hurry up already!" He shouted. I laughed at him as we began running. Away from the dorms we just set traps in. Kakashi smirked "Now that! That was fun!" He shouted. I smiled and nodded.. Someone then cleared their throat making me freeze, it was Riley's mom?

"Rachel?" I question. Rachel smiled

"Hello lily. Is that your friend?" Rachel asked gesturing to Kakashi, Kakashi smiled


"I'm Kakashi.. Her roommate. For this trip"

"Oh.. Aren't you a little old to be playing pranks?" Rachel asked, Kakashi sweatdropped

"Well.....uh...." Rachel smiled

"Don't worry. Ah Lily. I brang someone for you since I'll be going out of town for a little bit"

"Who?" I ask, Rachel then lead a horse towards us

"Smokey!" I shouted hugging the horse by the neck and patting its head

"I can ride you now.. And your all saddled up to! Thanks Rachel!" I shouted hoping onto Smokey's back.

"Kakashi, this is smokey. My stallion" I say smiling.

"Cool..." Kakashi whispered touching Smokey's shoulder "He's strong" Kakashi muttered, I grinned

"You should see him trying to jump a fence or running.. He's troublesome" Rachel stated, I frowned

"He's no trouble! Right smokey?" The horse then reared, making me grin.

"Take care of Luka. I think Smokey needs some exercise!" I shouted me Kakashi then stood back as I tapped Smokey's side
"Hai!" I shout making smokey start to gallop.. "See ya!" I shout grinning.. Kakashi just watched as I made smokey gallop faster, the heavy breathing coming from the horses mouth making me smile as I turned the reins making him turn back into a trot. I then pulled on the reins making him stop just Infront of Kakashi and grinned "Now that was needed!" I shout, hugging the back of Smokey's neck. Kakashi sighed

"How the hell do you make that thing go so fast..."

"We train" I say grinning as I hopped off Smokey's saddle.

"Uh sorry bout bolting off like that..."

"Nah it's fine, come on, better get going before dinner is all gone"

"Oh sure!" I say as we made our way to the base, kakashi went inside and quickly came out holding two plates. I took hold of Smokey's reins and lead him up the hill to our dorm..

"So.. What now?" I ask as I tied smokey to a tree and leave him to eat the grass that surrounded the tree. Luka came inside and barked at me. I sat down on the bed, kakashi joining me as he leant back against the wall and pulled down his mask. I looked back at him and smirked.. Luka whined at me making me smile.
"Here you go boy" I say dropping some of my meat on the floor, Luka then began chewing away happily, I shifted backwards and sighed. "So.. Why did you stop me? I wasn't going to hurt Minori"

"Who knew what you were going to do" he said.. I sigh and take a bite of my meat.

"So... Why do you.... Ever hang out ......with me..?" I say between chewing my food, kakashi looks at me

"Well first, swallow before you talk would you? And I just do. I mean your my roommate, can't I be your friend?" I then swallow and blush..

"Course you can.. I just didn't aspect one of my teachers to want to even know me..." He shrugged at me and sighed

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