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"Sayuri?" Sam asked, it was sunset. Sam sighed looking away and rubbing her arm..

"Yeah?" I look at her. Hands in my pockets

"Should we tell the adults what happens at home?"

"No. They won't care. Your safe and sound at aunt Sarah's. We don't need to let adults who aren't going to do anything about it know" I say seriously

"But-" Sam started but I interrupted her.

"Sorry Sam. But I can't let that happen. I dont need another adult getting into our dads way" I reason with her. But she shakes her head

"Mom would have-" he started. The thought of bringing our mother into the conversation slightly angered me..

"Yeah I know mom would have wanted us both to stay with aunt Sarah but she's not here anymore and she hasn't for years" Sam began to cry.. I sighed and hugged her

"Hey.. It's alright.. Sam.. Come on don't cry.. I've seen you cry enough" I try to calm her down but it's harder then it looks..

"I just wish mom wasn't gone and dad was!" She cried. I hugged her tighter

"I know, I know. I do too Sam. But we can't change the past. As much as you want too we can't" I say quietly.. Comforting her


"Let's get you back to your dorm. And remember don't tell anyone alright? It's best to keep our problems to ourselves. No one will do anything anyway" I say sighing as I walked Sam to her dorm, once there she hugs me tightly

"Promise you'll come live aunt Sarah! I don't want you to be killed too!" I smile at her and put my hands on her shoulders.

"Sam I've been dealing with that bastard for over 8 years. I think I can deal with him for another 2" I say assuringly.. Sam sniffles making me frown "Where's the tough girl I raised?" I say sternly. Sam cried again making me sigh "I swear Sam I can never be hard on you, now don't worry bout me okay? I'm tough aren't I? I can deal with that bastard for 2 years. That's nothing"

"But you could get killed!" Sam cries. Hugging me tightly, I then go soft. Like I usually do. Like I say I can never be tough on my little sister. . She then pulled away as I started talking

"I know. But I'll be happy if you don't get involved again okay?. I'm only doing this so you stay safe and actually have a good home with people that love you and the you can Come back too okay? I only want you to stay safe" I tell her. Tears rolling down her cheeks "come here" I whispered pulling her into a hug. She hugged back and started sobbing..

"I don't want you to end up like mom" Sam whispered. I sighed and patted her head comfortingly

"I won't. Promise" I whisper back.. She then pulls away and frowns..

"O-okay" she shutters, I sigh as she goes inside and waves, I wave back and sigh.

"Geez Sam" I mutter to myself.

"What happens to you at home" I freeze as I heard his voice,

"You followed?" I asked.. Turning around and facing him.

"Considering that I heard that your sister doesn't live with you and your apparently trying to keep her away from your father I thought I should" Kakashi muttered, I looked at him and walked up to him

"Yeah well. You don't need to worry, I don't need your pity anyway" I say coldly. The fact that I just saw my sister crying out of the pain that our father cause us is enough to make me switch personalities again. The cold, stone hearted bitch.

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