Day #5

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I opened my eyes and gasped. I was alone on the bed.. I looked up and sighed in relief as I saw Kakashi sitting on his new found favourite chair.

"Morning Say" someone states, I freeze.. No no no he can't be here! He can't! He'll just embarrass me and try to get me together with Kakashi!!!. I then look to the desk..

"RILEY?!?!" I shout, Riley grinned

"No more face time! I'm staying!" Riley shouted hugging me.. Kakashi smiled

"Thought he'd surprise you" Kakashi muttered as I growled and made Riley let go and got up. Walking over to kakashi who just watched me.

"Who's idea was this?"

"Sam's, came over an hour ago. Suggested it"

"Plus I was coming anyways!" Riley shouted from the bed making me sigh but hug Kakashi who smirked

"You do know what time it is right?"


"It's like 11"

"What?!?!" I shout as I grabbed a fresh set of clothing and sped walked into the bathroom. Closing and locking the door only to hear Riley start to laugh

"Good job Say!" He shouts as I get dressed and growled unlocking the door and looking at both boys,

"Yo" Kakashi mutters, I wave and sigh as Riley grinned.

"Your way to excited riles" I say sighing as I sit beside Riley

"Well I'm not the one who sleeps in bed with their roommate!" Riley shouted making me blush

"It's just so she doesn't get grumpy. Heat can make anyone grumpy" Kakashi mutters. Riley laughed

"Yeah right! You like cuddling with my friend!" Riley shouted pointing at kakashi who looked at him and smirked

"Oh yeah? What about you" Riley then began blushing and growled

"Point taken" Riley growled, I looked between them both and sighed.

"I'll be outside"

"Wait up!" Riley shouted rising, but he hit his head on the top bunk and fell back onto the bed. I sigh as Riley groaned. "Owie" I winced a little and shook my head

"Riley you idiot" I say walking out, taking out my pocket knife and inspecting the blade.

"So.. That's your friend Riley huh?" Kakashi asked walking up to me, his right eye closed. Hands in his pockets. Kakashi was wearing a navy blue loose top, brown shorts, that mask and his normal fingerless gloves.. I smiled as I walked beside him.

"Yeah that's Riley. Doesn't act like he looks huh?"

"Yeah looks more Emo "

"He's not Emo though. He's more like Naruto then Sasuke"

"Have to agree with that" Kakashi mutters looking around

"No ones up" I whisper

"Prefect timing to go mess around again" Kakashi says smirking, I look at him and smile

"Lead the way then captain" I tell him making him grin.

"Sure" he says as we walked around, I swear we heard someone having sex. I sighed 'that can't be Piper and Rex... They can't be fucking eachother here at camp' I thought sighing as I walked beside Kakashi who groaned in annoyance "Fucking teenagers" he growled.

"Kakashi... Uh" I say feeling a little nervous about his language

"I swear to my students as well Lily. No need to worry although I've been told off a few times by other teachers" Kakashi muttered shrugging.

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