Day #4

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It was day 4 of the camp and god it was hard not to stare at Kakashi after what happened last night. For one, he was shirtless showing that... That.....that. Gah I don't know how to describe it! And two I damned kissed him! Why the hell did I do that?! Why can't I ever think about my actions first not afterwards!?!?!? I sat down at the "Base" it was midday and it was boiling, most of the guys were shirtless, the girls wearing tank tops and singlets and other revealing clothing, me? A long sleeved Tshirt. Yep a long sleeved t shirt when it was like 30 degrees. I had too. I have to cover my scars. Sam hasn't ever seen them and I don't want anyone seeing them. Kakashi was standing, her was wearing a tank top. Looked pretty good on him actually. Mrs Gregory: the year 11's teacher had decided that we would all spend a day at the nearby beach. I sighed in relief as Mrs Gregory started talking

"Because of the heat today you'll also be able to go fishing if you wish!" I smiled

"Yeah, let's see what we can catch today" I say to myself, Sam looks back at me and grinned, she then scooted over to me and grinned

"How many rods did you bring?"

"Three, you?"

"I forgot about bringing mine... " Sam whispered lowering her head. I chuckled and ruffled her hair.

"Wanna go fishing with me then?" I asked grinning

"Yeah! I'll catch something bigger then you!" Sam shouted

"Sure you will Sam" I say smiling. The teachers then Dismissed us. Sam and I jumped up and ran out,

"I'm carrying the tackle box!" Sam shouted as she entered Kakashi and i's dorm. I grinned and got out the foldable rods.

"Fine I'll carry the bait then!" I shouted going outside and opening the esky that I brought. It was blue and white. I got out a bag of dead fish and closed it, Sam then scowled, scrunching up her nose in disgust

"It's smells gross!"

"Get used to it!" I shouted putting it in her face making her walk away,

"Get that stinky thing away from my Say!" Sam shouted making me laugh.

"Yeah yeah" I mutter making Sam pout. I sigh as I saw Kakashi walk up to us

"Well You girls are excited" he states looking at me. I grinned. And I swear I could see him flinch slightly..

"Well yeah! We get to go fishing!" Sam shouted at Kakashi making me smile

"Pass time, don't get to do it much"

"Well we did.." Sam trailed off making me sigh and hug her

"I know" I whisper as we waited for Kakashi who just grabbed a book and walked out "Come on!" I exclaim as Sam and I began walking

"What's the biggest fish you've caught again?"

"I've told you a million times Sam! I caught a shark!"

"That was so cool!"Sam shouted, I smiled carrying the rods. I then turned back to Kakashi and smirked

"You know how to fish?"

"With spears yeah not with rods" I sigh.

"Your boyfriend is a weirdo" Sam muttered, my face suddenly heated up here it comes the embarrassment!

"He's not my boyfriend Sam. He's one of Piper's teachers" I say calmly

"Oh..." Sam whispered, I smiled

"Yeah crazy isn't it?" I ask Sam nods glancing to Kakashi

"He's not Minori's it Older brother is he? I heard from some of my class mates Minori's brother is a pervert" I blush and look to Kakashi who had his book open. His eye scanning the pages..

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