Day #12

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I smile. Felling arms hugging me protectively.. It was still like 4:30 in the morning. I smile and turn over hugging back
"Your so warm" I whisper snuggling closer.... All I could hear was his heart beat.. Slow and steady. I then smiled and looked up at him.. He was asleep I think.
"Kakashi...." I whisper.. His sharingan eye then opened slightly making me giggle
"Ohayo" he whispers.. I smile
"Hello captain" he just watches me before. Pulling closer to him and closing his eyes.. I smile "you slept in this time"
"Hm.... Sayuri.. Baby let me sleep..." He whispered.. Making me blush
"Baby?" I question making him smile
"Hmm... Beby" he whispered softly.. Hugging me. I smile a little
"You have a weird way of saying baby don't you" I whisper. Moving some of his hair from his eyes, he then opened his left eye and smiled sleepily
"Hmm Beby" he cooed resting his forehead against mine making me smile
"Sleepy boy" I whisper. Pulling up the covers until they covered his shoulder..
"Beby...." He whined quietly.. Hugging me.. I smile.. Who wouldn't smile at him.. He's adorable..
"Hmm you being adorable...huh"
"No... Sleep" he whispered, hand going over my eyes..I smile and move his hand from my eyes
"At least let me snuggle~" he coo making him chuckle softly
"Come here then...." He whispers.. I nod and snuggled closer to his chest.. Head dug into his shoulder..
" you" he whispered. I giggle at him.. Who wouldn't be smiling at him.. He's adorable when he's sleepy.. So adorable I just wanna hug him all day right now... Inner fangirl moment is coming....... 3...... 2..... 1... My face then went tomato red as pictures that I saw on the internet flared up in my mind..
'Oh god....' I thought blushing darkly, I think I tensed up or something because Kakashi had both eye open slightly
"Beby why are you so tense..?" He asked quietly.. His voice trailing Different words.. I smile a little
"Just my thoughts going wild.." I whisper quietly. Kakashi oh's and chuckles
"Wild about what?" He asked.. I look up at him.. He was maskless just wearing a long sleeved shirt and tracksuit pants since it was cold last night.. Perfect setting..
"Stuff" he just smiled at me making my face heat up and my body feel so warm..
"I'll never get over that weird feeling" he then gave me confused look
"What do you mean Beby?" He asked smiling. His eyes still slightly closed.. I smile back at him
"I'll never get over that weird feeling you give me when you smile.. It's adorable" he just stared at me with a blank expression as his cheeks went hot red.. I just begin to smile
"Even when you blush" I add making it go darker.. I giggle and push him onto his back.. I then sit on his stomach making him chuckle
"Don't flatter me.." He muttered making me giggle
"You like it~" I coo making him blush harder..
"Stop that!" He says fully awake. Plan succeeded!
"Yay!" I shout leaning down and kissing his lips softly.. He was surprised for a few moments though. How could I tell? Well one: his eyes widened and two: his body just completely froze.. All of it making me smile as I kept myself from falling on top of him.. He then begins to grin. Making me smile, I pulled away and poke my tongue out
"You weirdo!" I exclaim making him smile
"Your one too~" he cooed grinning. I smile and kiss his lips before I got up and stretched
"What ya wanna do?"
"Something with my Beby~!" He exclaims making me giggle.
"Hmm what do you have in mind?"
"Something" he says rubbing his eyes. I smile and hug him, my arms draped around his shoulders as I dug my face into the side of his neck making him smile.. He hugged back and sighed
"Love you Sayuri" he whispered making me giggle
"Love you too you weirdo!" I shout getting up and saluting him, I then left the cabin and walked over to smokey who we had taken back to the cabin last night.. I smile and pat Smokey's head and sigh.
"Good boy.." I whisper.. Smokey nudged my hand as Luka ran up to me and barked, his tail wagging rapidly.. I giggle at the puppy and lean down.. Picking Luka up gently and hugging the puppy
"Who's a cute boy?" I ask making the puppy bark at me again, I smile at the puppy..I suddenly felt lips on my cheek making me giggle and blush
"Hello captain" I whispered, raising my free hand and turning my head, pushing his head to mine.. Our lips colliding.. Kakashi smiled and patted Luka's head
"Good boy" he whispers, head now on my shoulder smiling at my puppy..
"He likes you a lot"
"I think it's cause I like you" Kakashi whispers licking my neck making me squeal.
"Kakashi!!" I shout making him laugh.. My face was so red.. Yet luka's tail was wagging even more.. And he barked at Kakashi and I..
"Naw little puppy likes it~" Kakashi cooed taking Luka from my trap and nuzzling the puppy.. Luka barked and snuggled closer to kakashi's shoulder.. I smile at the two and kiss kakashi's cheek
"Thanks again.. For taking care of them for me" Kakashi smiles and nods
"That's alright." He whispers back. Kakashi then smiled nervously.. "Just a question but... Does your dad know about these two?" I sigh
"No, he hates animals.. He would kill them the minute he saw them with me.." Kakashi frowns
"They could always stay with me.."
"How? You live in the city..... Right?"
"With Minori yes.. However" Kakashi then kissed my lips.
"My father left me an acre of land and a house before he died saying I would inherit the land when I turn 18. So it just stays there empty., haven't had a use for it however.. It could be useful to smokey and Luka if you don't want them getting hurt... So... It's your choice though-" I jumped onto him and kissed his lips roughly making him growl.. I pull away and grin at him making his face go red
"So is that a yes?"
"Of course you idiot!! Thank you!!!!!!!" I shout hugging him tightly... "Thank you..." He smiles and nods
"That's alright, now come on let's go get breakfast" he whispered taking hold of my hand and smiling, pulling up his mask and leading me down the hill..

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