Day #9

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I moved my legs up... Thinking to move them up to my chest but instead they wrapped around something warm.. I snuggled closer..

"Hmm so warm...." I whispered hands up surrounded by something soft.. It felt like hair to be honest. I snuggled my head against so thing hard but so warm... It made me even sleepier..
"Kakashi...." I cooed quietly... In my head I imagined it was him... Serious fangirl... But still... It was probably only a small spark that I would never be able to ignite into a flame.. I'd never be able to make someone as smart and good looking as my teacher feel good, he made me feel so good... But I just felt like I couldn't return that goodness... While thinking this my hand reached downward.. See my body and mind are two different things.. While my mind is gong on and on about other things my Body...well does other things.. For example, touching his dick.. Like I was doing right now.. I snuggled closer not even noticing that he was fully awake... Staring at me.. "Your so hot...." I whispered.. My mind wasn't registering what I was saying... I was in one of those moods.. I felt a hand grab me by the waist making me smile
"Kakashi...." I whispered.. The hand then moved upwards.. Up my side and onto my arm.. It sent tingling sensations down my spine and all through my body.. "It tingles...~" I coo quietly, digging my face deeper. The hand then took hold of my chin and made me lift my head, the heat in my cheeks was rising by the second as I opened my eyes slightly..
"Good morning...." I whispered, pulling myself up higher and locking lips with him.. His hand moved away from my chin.. Instead it moved to my neck.. Pushing my head into his. Deepening the kiss.. I swear my body was going crazy... I could feel my vagina starting to ache.... Feeling his soft lips on mine was driving me crazy,.
"Ka-kashi... I'm gonna..." I whispered pulling away slightly, I heard him smile

"Don't cum on my bed please" I heard him whisper, his voice low and husky.. It sent shivers to my vagina making me squeak

"Kakashi... Don't make it worse.. Please..." I whisper.. I suddenly went wide eyed.. I then got up and blushed..
"Uh... I'll be back in a sec" fuck! Why did it start?! Why did the fucking thing had to start now?! I walk into the bathroom after he Bing something I kinda needed for the moment.. I saw Kakashi smirk as I walked into the bathroom making me blush..
"Shit" I whisper.

"Sayuri...," he voice suddenly entered my mind as I heard him lean against the door "Come out..... Let me watch" he growled.. I blushed and began to shiver... Blood dripping..

"Fuck no!" I shout at him.. Fixing my problem.. I shivered at the uncomfortable feeling that had replaced that tingling sensation in my lower area and sighed. "You do know your a pervert"

"Not as bad as the girl who's body cummed for me" he growled lowly...

"That wasn't my fault!"

"It's your body Sayuri" I felt like he was right beside me! God this guy!

"You really want to see blood don't you?"

"Don't blame me... Blame this stupid attraction" he growled huskily.... He was out of his mind if he was thinking I'd let him see.. Anything. I blushed darkly as I opened the door, he was leaning against the doorway looking at me bored

"A-attraction?" I shutter

"You think being stuck with you hasn't aroused me at all"

"A-aroused?!" I shout alarmed as he walked in.

"You stained the bed last night...." He whispered, my lower back was now against the sink.. Digging into it as I attempted to get away from this guy... "Sayuri..." he growled, moving closer. I blush and slip downs slightly.. Shifting backwards as I moved behind him.. He suddenly had hold of my wrist... So fast... I blush as he grabs me by the waist "Why do you do this to me Sayuri.... I'm loosing my sanity..." He growled... I blush and look away.. Biting my lip

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