Night #4

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Kakashi was still at the dorm, we had managed to feed the year 11 to 9 with the salmon.. Well we did have a good 40 students. I smiled as I walked up to our dorm. Everyone had finished eating a few minutes ago, Kakashi hadn't came down though. So I was being a nice person and bringing him some thing. Sam grinned, besides I didn't exactly like eating In big group so Sam I decided to eat at my dorm.. Sam opened the door and grinned

"Hello hatake!" She shouted grinning, Kakashi looked at her

"Hi?" I sighed at Sam and placed a plate Infront of him

"Left overs" I say as I climbed up on my bunk and began eating myself.

"Thanks" I heard Kakashi mutter as I smiled.

"No problem"

"You could have just ate down there you know"

"No way! Everyone was talking!" Sam exclaimed making me smile

"It's good" he said, I sighed

"Still 14 salmon in one day, that's a record even for Mark"



"Our cousin, he loves fishing always takes us with him when he gets the chance" I say grinning.. Although the word made me feel torn... I then sighed.. I then grabbed my phone... I was torn from my cousin so long ago... He hates me.. My father made him hate me. Yet he still adores Sam and Piper... I sighed and held my shoulder... The curse seal tattoo, it was like an actual curse... A curse of hatred and pain.. I looked at Kakashi from the top bunk as he Began reading again.., I sighed and climbed down.
"I'll be outside" I say, grabbing my bow and arrows and walking out, I then climbed up a tree and sat up on a high branch. A bunch of older kids were bulling a younger kid, I then aimed my arrow, and fired, the arrow landing right between them making the younger kid run off. The older getting scared and running off as well. I sighed and lowered my bow. "He blames me for everything... Even Mikes death... All of it is pinned on me, the cursed child" I whisper. Looking up at the moon. "Every time I try to make new friends I'm pushed away. Either by other kids or the lies I have to tell.. I know you would have want both Sam and I to live with aunt Sarah but I can't. Dad will just go after Sam and I can't let him hurt her again... I'm sorry.. I know I'm the problem. I know I'm the reason to all the pain my family has gone through... Heck you were killed Infront of me.. I just hope Mike is alright... He never got to escape from that bastard" I whisper.. I then laugh "Mike's probably dead already... Knowing him... Geez. First Tobi then you maybe even Mike. Wonder who will be next to join you" I whisper. "Most likely be me with all the stupid things dad does to me at home.." I mutter taking out my phone,
"It's stupid.. I think I'm falling for him... I bloody think Im bloody falling for my now new bullies brother..." I whisper.. I then face time Riley..

"What do you want it's like 11:43" Riley muttered sleepily


"Where da hell are you?" Riley asked, light on, his hair messy and his blue eyes staring at me


"At this time of night?" He asked. The light then turned off as I heard him lay down "what the hell is wrong with you Say"

"Nothing Riles" I whisper

"Can I go back to sleep now?"

"Yeah.. Sorry bout waking you up"

"It's fine Say" Riley muttered as he ended the face time call. I sighed, putting my phone away and looking up.

"I just annoy people you know... That's all I do"

"It's not you know" Kakashi muttered, I sighed.

"What would you know about pain"

"Quite a bit actually or are you forgetting my father committed suicide, and my teammates died?"

"No I'm not forgetting that..." I whisper. I then sigh.. As I climbed down the tree and walked back inside... I then sat on his bunk and got out my phone

"Wanna play a game?" I ask

"Yeah alright" he says,

"Alright, would you rather be stuck with guy or Naruto?" Kakashi looked at me

"Guy. He's more mature then Naruto" Kakashi stated. "Would you rather have no phone and your friends or have not your friends but have phone?"

"No phone but have friends. It's better having actual relationships" I whisper. Sam had gone back to her dorm.

"Would you rather. Have to take your mask off or take your pants off?" I ask. He looked at me and shrugged

"Pants, better then mask" he states, I nod in agreement "would you rather read out your books or sleep with one of the year 11's"

"Geez..... Read my books out loud... I don't want to be stuck with a year 11 in a bed" I say. Kakashi then stood up flicking the light off and sitting down beside me.

"Would you be okay with being stuck with me?" He asked, I froze and blushed darkly as he snaked an arm around my waist.

"Ka-Kakashi.." I shutter as he pulled me closer.

"Just relax, it's hot"

"Would you rather... Fall asleep with me on the bed with you or kiss me.." I whisper, I felt him pull me down as I felt his masked lips against my neck.

"Kiss you" he whispered. I then turned around..

"Could I ask you a question?" He asked releasing me. I nod

"Truth or dare" he asked


"Did you like that kiss" I blush and nod..

"Y-yeah.. Truth or dare"

"Truth" he says. I smiled

"Did you enjoy it?"

"Yeah I did, but I'll enjoy the next one better" he stays as he suddenly pulls me forward and kisses my lips making me blush...

"Hmmm...~" I hum as he released me

"Truth or dare" he asks.

"Dare..." I whisper

"I dare you. To kiss me every night until this camp is over" he whispers in my ear making me blush darkly

"E-every night?"

"Yep" he says smiling as I smiled

"Alright then... " I tailed off again making him smile. He then laid down letting me regain my thoughts slightly though it didn't last long because he put a hand on my shoulder making me squeak. He laughed at me as he pulled me down and laid a hand on my hip. My eyes wide as he pulled me closer

"Sleep. I don't want to have to make you sleep" I freeze at his words, my mind filling with ways he could do that.... I nod slowly and sigh

"Night captain" I whisper as I turn around letting him move his hand from my hip and up my arm. It then rested on my side.. I let out a shaky breathe... Why was I nervous? I didn't know, frankly I still don't, maybe it was because it him.. Or maybe It was was mind and body reacting to his touch. I didn't know and I never will.. My thought were then interrupted by his voice... He sounded so relaxed the tone itself made me feel relaxed myself..

"Night sayuri" he whispers as I fall asleep against him.. His warmth making me comfortable for the rest of the night.

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