Packing up and going home

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It had been yet another week.. And today? Today was the last day of camp.. Kakashi and I were packing away our stuff. And cleaning the room, as much as I hate to have to go home.. But I have to.. We have too.. Kakashi smiled and kissed my cheek as he walked past. I blush and giggle

"Kakashi..." I whisper.. His mask was down, his zip up hoodie tied by the sleeves around his waist.. His sneakers making tapping noises on the wooden floor, he smiles at me his T-shirt was black, his headband around his forehead.. He just looked so casual.. Me? I was just wearing a tank top and some tracksuit pants. Kakashi then put his books into his pack back and zipped up one of the pockets. He then tossed me my sketch books which I caught skilfully and popped them into my bag. He then smiled as Sam walked in

"Hey love birds!" She shouted, kakashi chuckled and ruffled her hair as he walked past her. Sam grinned

"I'm happy your dating my sister you know! Your awesome!" Sam shouted at Kakashi making him chuckle. I smile and stuffed all my clothes into my bag, kakashi soon doing the same, I sigh as I glance to him

"Gonna miss relaxing with you" I whisper, kakashi smiled and hugged me

"I will to~ but I get to see you everyday~ you can come by my office of you like"

"Yeah.. Sounds good" I whisper, kakashi chuckles as we closed the door behind us.. We then made our way down the hill, only to see the other students getting ready to go, everyone had their bags packed and everything was ready. So we all went inside the 'base' for the very last time.. Mr Matthews grinned at us

"I hope you all enjoyed your camp this year! When we get back to campus it'll be time to go! So please be ready for your parents to pick you up!" Mr Mathews shouted, kakashi sighed, leaning over to me

"Sit by me on the bus?" He asked quietly. I giggle and nod

"Sure" Rachel had came and got Luka and smokey for me. Kakashi giving her the address to his empty house. I sigh as everyone began talking or complaining Minori the walked over smirking

"Nii-San you'll dump her right? I mean a teacher-student relationship never works.. Ever. So it'd probably be easier to just dump her and move on" Minori states. Kakashi sighs

"I'm not breaking up with my girlfriend Mina. No matter what you say" Kakashi says sighing "besides, I'm the older one, I can do what I want"

"B-but-" Minori started. Kakashi sighs and looks to me. I just shrug

"I won't be combing over since I'll be busy with school work and stuff, so really we'll barely see eachother anyway" I say sighing. Kakashi nods in agreement, I then stand up.. Sam hugs me tightly

"You have to come live with me and aunt Sarah!!!" She shouts, I smile and pat Sam's head

"You know I'm not going too. Besides..." I whisper something to Sam making her cheer

"I knew it!!!! I knew it I knew it I knew it!!" She shouted hugging Kakashi tightly.,

"Ahh okay Sam... Okay.. Let go" Kakashi whispers, I smile at him making him chuckle "Geez you two your balls of energy" he whispers, I smile as the teachers lead us back to the bus. I sigh as I hand my bags to the sport teachers as they put the bags in the bottom part of the bus. I hoped onto the bus of chatting teens.. I managed to get up the back.. Kakashi sat next to me thank god.. I sigh in relief as he puts an arm around my shoulders making me smile. I snuggle in close to his side..

"Love you so much captain" I whisper.. Kakashi smiles and nods, kissing my forehead through his mask

"Love yo too Sayuri" he whispers, I smile and look up, Minori was glaring at me intensely.. Piper was too.. I sigh and snuggle in closer to Kakashi for comfort, he then wrapped an arm around me keeping me warm and close.. I smile and close my eyes just trying to relax.. The intense glares of Kakashi's and my sisters on me was making it hard, kakashi then turned slightly, shielding me from those glares, i smile

"Kakashi...." I whisper.. Smiling as I snuggled to him. He smiles and rubs my back

"Stay beautiful" he whispers, I smile as I slowly fell asleep.. The bus then stopped.. I opened my eyes to see Kakashi asleep. I smile.. We were still on the bus, I looked at the time on my phone and sigh..

"1:45" I whisper, kakashi smiled and brought me closer to him.. The teenagers on the bus to busy chatting, or sleeping. Kakashi smiled at me as I laid my head down on his chest., his hand resting on my lower back.

"It'll be about an hour or two before we get to campus.. Just relax" he whispers.. I smile at him as I close my eyes.. I then began to sleep, ignoring the intense hoarse of Minori and piper. Kakashi relaxing as well.... Backpacks at our feet..

Time skip~
I woke up to the soft calls of Kakashi making me smile

"Morning, time to wake up Sayuri" he whispers.. I smile and shake my head, he then chuckles at me. I smile back at him as the bus stopped..

"Alright! Time to go home!" The teachers then got off, the students following, I went to grab my pack but Kakashi grabbed it before me, I then got up and walked down the aisle. Hopping off the bus. I sigh as Kakashi handed me my pack.

"Your dad gonna pick you up?" He asks, Sam then ran up to us and hugged me tightly

"I'm gonna miss you sis!" She shouted, I smile and hug Sam back

"Gonna miss you too" I whisper. Kakashi smiles as Sam hugs him

"Gonna miss my sisters awesome boyfriend too!" She shouts, kakashi chuckled at the girl and ruffles her hair

"Alright, go wait for your aunt, I'm gonna take Sayuri home" Kakashi whispers, I smile at him..

"Thanks..." I whisper.. Kakashi nods as Sam runs off and Kakashi takes hold of my hand leading me to a black 4WD. I smile..

"It's not much but it's a good car"

"Looks good too!" I exclaim smiling, kakashi smiles at me and hopes in, he then unlocks the passenger's door, a seat in the middle. Kakashi smiles and closes his door

"Ready?" I smile and nod. He then started the car as I closed the door and smile. He then threw his bag into the back, all we brought was backpack. Kakashi then started driving.. The road was long.. But it seemed longer this time..

"I'll miss you...." I whisper.. Kakashi sighs

"Yeah.. I'll miss you too" I smile

"I'll see you round though right?"

"Of course, your my girlfriend. It's not like I won't bump into you. And don't get hurt would ya? If your dad starts hurting you just come to me and I can do something about it okay?" I nod and smile leaning over and kissing his cheek

"Yeah... I will" he then pulled up to my house... The long grass. I sigh. My dads car wasn't here so he was probably put drinking.. I sigh and hop out of the car. I then run over to Kakashi and jump into his arms

"I'll miss you so much Kakashi!" I shout making him smile.

"I know~ I know~" he cooed softly hugging me back.. I then released him making him smile. I smile back at him.. He then hopped back into his car.. Before he closed the door I tapped his shoulder

"Yeah-" I kissed his masked lips making him smile. He then pulled down his mask and kissed back.. It was the last kiss we'd have for a good few weeks.. I knew that well. And I'd miss him so much.. He then released me and grinned at me, I smile and hug him

"Love you Sayuri hayashi" he whispers, starting up the car.. I smile and kiss his cheek

"Love you too Kakashi hatake.. So much more then I thought" he smiled at me before he closes the door.. He then began to back out of the drive way and waved. I wave back.. Watching him drive off. Only to have to wait for the next time I see my caring yet sexy boyfriend again...

"Thank you Kakashi..... Thank you..."

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